
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The "10 of Cups" and Living My "Ideal" Life

Identifying more and more as a Tarot Intuitive and am getting a bit antsy and  I'm leaning toward jumping into this line of work as soon as I can.  "Big Magic" is flowing through my veins and every atom of my being.  "Big Magic" is the book I'm reading.  Thank you Elizabeth Gilbert for writing this book.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking."
My "Ideal" is waking up in the morning, giving thanks for the gift of life, the gift of living, for all that I have; grabbing a Tarot deck; a cup of coffee and then simply "Being" for as many minutes or as much time passes by before Spirit gives me a nudge to start working with Tarot.  After conversing with Tarot for a spell the Tarot Energy of the Day is revealed, then I sit with the card and allow its energy flow through me and fill me with the knowledge, wisdom and information I need for the day.  After contemplating and absorbing this energy I write about it just before receiving the first client of the day around 9:00am.  What a beautiful start to the day!

And what a life!  Reading cards, interacting with someone eager to see what the cards will reveal to them, interacting with Tarot, interacting with Spirit, being a witness to enlightenment and spiritual fulfilment...what a gift and special experience to share with someone.

My secret, yet not-so-secret dreams are coming true!

Thank You Spirit!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017.  

Another weekend, a long weekend at that come and gone.  At least we enjoyed ourselves and the beautiful that has finally arrived.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XIV Temperance: Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavour).  Flexibility.”

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