
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Let my mind fill with directed thoughts however this ended up being a cause of much interrupted sleep.  I'm okay with this as it is a long weekend after all so I have two more nights to get a better night's rest.

After coming home from the gym yesterday I had some excess energy so instead of simply walking up the stairs to the 5th floor I jogged/ran up the stairs and can say that it felt really good doing that.

Our cat sitting came to end on Thursday night and as much as we miss the cat we do not miss the cat hair that blanketed the apartment during her stay.  What a constant battle it would be to keep the cat hair at bay.  We even brushed the cat.  Of course she is likely shedding more as her winter coat sheds off but much hair.  She brought a great energy to the place that I'm happy to say is still here and helping me to really connect with Spirit and the spiritual realms on a much deeper level.

Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "3 The Green Woman: Appearing at a time of rich nurturing and protection, of learning and initiation, when loving and fertile relationships, both human and universal, abound, the Green Woman mediates the sacred sovereignty of the Earth's soul and can show the path to understanding and communion with nature.  But with this blessing comes responsibility.  Remember that this glorious, magnanimous and generous spirit can live through you, radiated by the sacred breath of life and given to others who need guidance and healing.  Learn from the abundant and joyous spirit of the Earth and be at one with the world and your true self."
I'm feeling a real strong and intimate connection and oneness and being one with the Earth and the world.  I feel a real kinship with life, with the flora and fauna, the birds that fly about wherever I may be traveling or even the ants darting about a trail I find myself walking on during a lunch break.  I have a real appreciation for life and for nature, a real sense of belonging and understanding.  I sense internal and subconscious conversations taking place between me and the world, the spirit of life converses with my spirit and fills me with a deep sense of caring and desire to fight for the protection of nature.

I accept my connection with "3 The Green Woman" and all that she represents and offers.  I accept the responsibilities that come from such a connection and relationship and take them as seriously as she does.

Thank You Spirit.

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