
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

'8 The Stag' and Our Personal and Global Responsibility

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015.  The work week has started and it's made all the more bearable because I know that I'm on the right path.  It's also because we booked our first camping trip in Serenity our new camper van.  My path was made all the more clear with today's visiting Tarot, "8 The Stag".

Yesterday we spent the day at home and stayed close to home in our quick outing for a quick coffee and to pick up a few things we missed our weekly grocery run.  The day was quiet, the evening calm and serene and a quiet visit with a friend whom dropped by so we could catch up.  Then the evening quickly gave way to bedtime.

As I mentioned earlier, today's visiting Tarot is the "8 The Stag: On a personal level, some kind of adjustment or interaction has taken place.  The key word here is 'responsibility'.  We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society, and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change.  Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when a realignment of our perception is due.  This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring and the fire of creation.  Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action."

We've messed up our guest privileges here on this beautiful planet we call earth and we're also doing a great job of letting each other down.  We must remember that our stay here is temporary and fleeting yet look at the damage we inflict on this planet let alone each other.  We can only hope that we have not worn out our welcome and Gaia, Earth is not getting ready to take some action on her disrespectful and misbehaving guests.

Some of us have awoken and are hearing what once were only whispers but now are becoming louder and more discernible voices from all aspects of nature and people and parts of society that are hearing the call...change your ways, awaken, recognize who you are, and realize that you are more than thought.  Heed nature's call to come home.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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