
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The 'Nine of Vessels,Generosity' and Lighting Up the World With Kindness

Wednesday, September 16, 2015.  Let's see I relaxed with Pleasure-Way Van Motorhome manuals last night.  I learned about propane, holding tanks, air bag assist suspension systems, water intakes, and how to clean and maintain the exterior of the van.  I only briefly looked at my model railroad as I need to pull the table in order to make further progress by gluing the track sub-roadbed down.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the "Nine of Vessels, Generosity: It can be easy to forget, when  e reach the pinnacle of our prowess, power and security, that life is cyclical and what we enjoy during the times of plenty are the products of previous toil and effort.  Just like the wise farmer, we must manage good fortune by planting seeds for the future and by helping those facing hard times.  This generosity will always come back to you a thousandfold if it is gifted with selfless goodwill and a common humanity.  To recognize and acknowledge that you are merely a conduit for this abundant enriching blessing, and to let it flow through you and into others' lives, allows your good fortune to circulate and your positive momentum to carry others with you.  By freely giving of your time, support and energy, the blessing of the divine surrounds you.  In this cynical and material world, such things may seem to have little value, but those who have experienced the process in their own lives understand that, in the words of Theodore Rubin: 'Kindness is more important than wisdom, and recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom."

As quoted above, kindness is "the beginning of wisdom"  So what is the message here, it's  simply to be genuinely kind and generous.  Kindness and generosity are the way to go and they should be the natural way to go for all of us.  how difficult is it to be kind and generous?  Let's remember that kindness and generosity don't always have to involve money.  Words, deeds and actions can go a long way to changing a person's life. Light up a person's life by lifting their spirits with an act of kindness and show that someone does indeed care.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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