
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Anna Maria Island, Miami Beach, Sun, Beaches, Food and Fun and of Course Tarot

Monday, August 31, 2015.  That was a very relaxing and de-stressing week.  We had a wonderful visit to and stay in Florida.  The weather was mostly co-operative and we enjoyed many days at the beach and had many a great meal at a variety of restaurants.  It's nice to be home although it feels like we came back to winter and interestingly enough the hurricanes threatening Florida both on our way down and our way back became nothing more than tropical storms mostly skirting the state.  However, Vancouver on the other hand was hit by a strong windstorm that caused a lot of damage on Saturday and is today getting dumped on by heavy rainfall.

Besides having a great time in Florida I also learned things and found myself contemplating a variety of thoughts, ideas, and whatnot that was brought on by Tarot, reading books, walking on the street, losing myself at the beach, reading, as well as browsing 'The 9th Chakra' in Miami Beach.  Such as focusing on 'feeling/feelings' rather than solely seeking 'knowledge'.  Experience more than simply belief.

We left on Sunday, August 23rd, 2015.  We slipped into bed somewhere between 10-11pm after a day of much activity: packing, a haircut, a movie and taking in some food at the Food Truck Festival on Columbia Street in New Westminster.

After much tossing and turning we got out of bed around 2:00am getting reading to head to the airport for our flight at 6:00am.  We were out on the road at 2:45am and were lined up to drop off our baggage, then go through security and customs at about 3:45.

Our flight was quick and we're now in Seattle for about an hour before the next leg of our trip to Tampa.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the "Page of Cups.  Don’t get upset if things aren’t going as you hoped.  Be open to alternatives and prepare for a change of plans.  Think before reacting, beware of childish behaviour.  When reversed: Now is the time to be independent.  Friends and coworkers may not understand your feelings.  Don’t let emotions overpower you and don’t judge others too harshly.  Patience wins in the end."

Patience and using our ears more than our tongues is paramount if we are to remain calm, cool and level headed.

Before leaving Vancouver a book jumped out at me so I picked it up, 'Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore'.  Here in Seattle barely minutes after disembarking the plane I was in the 'Wishing Stone' store buying a 'Tarot Designs Coloring Book my partner brought to my attention to.  This jumped out at me as a way of becoming more intimate with the 22 Major Arcana cards.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

On Monday, August 24th, 2015, the "IX of Wands.  Fight for and hold onto what you believe.  Your projects are near completion; relaxation is at hand.  Victory soon arrives.  Luck comes to children.  When reversed: Be prepared and aware of the ruler of the game.  Arrogance creates obstacles.  Rid yourself of self-pity and anxiety.  Tend to your health."

I believe and trust in myself,  I respect myself and chose to hold onto what I believe.

We arrived at our destination, Cedar Cove Resort in Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island, in the dark but upon awaking around 7:30am local time I walked down to the beach and was welcomed by the soothing energy of 'Anna Maria Island' here in the beautiful state of Florida.

Watching the birds search for food as frolic in the water is a great way to let the stress in/of our lives melt away.  Lying on my back and floating freely in the water gently rocked by the waves allows time, place, and body to disappear so all that is left is the pure energy of the cosmos, of Spirit.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

On Tuesday, August 25th, 2015, the "VIII of Wands.  All your plans have a green light.  Move ahead.  Your understanding of people and their problems delivers opportunities to get what you want.  Friends and nature bring remedies for what ails you.  When reversed: Your energy is scattered.  Think before you act.  Don’t ignore the chain of command."

Spirit is giving me the 'green light' to move ahead with my plans.  The cosmic energy is there to assist me in working with others so that through them I succeed and through me they succeed.  The dynamics are there for me to prove myself thus gaining support as well as supporters.

On Wednesday, August 26, 2015, I wrote...we're having a great time here in Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island.  The only thing we would like is a little more freedom to do our own stuff but overall we are quite enjoying our stay.

Today's visiting Tarot is the "Ace of Swords.  Your spirit is strong and pioneering.  Don’t let your ego get in the way.  This is a good time to push ahead with ideas, contract negotiations, and other legal matters.  Goals you can meet quickly are better than long-range ones.  When reversed: Things are out of balance.  Practice patience and perseverance.  This is the time for some solo work.  In your dealings with others, don’t distort the facts."

Be humble and allow our spirits to soar.  My short term goal is to slowly transition living my life out of my van, Serenity followed by transitioning to a spiritual and online career.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

For Thursday, August, 27, 2015, today's visiting Tarot is the "Ace of Cups.  Happiness arrives soon, but it make take some effort on your part to bring it to fruition.  Those around you are more emotional than usual.  Don’t rely on them to be the voice of reason.  Postpone debates.  Examine home and family issues.  This is a good time to consider relocating.  When reversed: Accept assistance from others.  Don’t be too full of yourself.  Act with determination.  Know when to say no."

Happiness comes through humility and determination.  Seek your future, build your future with a determined force and energy knowing that your will and strength are empowered through the loving presence and guidance of Spirit.

My passions are real and accepted as they are.  I express my passions as I represent them and as they represent me.  Pursuing my passions creates a forward thinking and forward motion that carries me into my future, the future of many dreams abd desires.  Love is the greatest energy of all and I love as Spirit LOVES.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

On Friday, August 28th, we had our first full day in Miami Beach and today's visiting Tarot is the "IX of Pentacles.  Look for opportunities to develop your creative potential and to prove what you can do.  Start now!  The time for paybacks and rewards is quickly approaching, but it will only come if you strive for success.  When reversed: Plan carefully for whatever you hope to achieve right now.  Don’t assume that everything will work out just as expected, and don’t be afraid to ask for help."

Opportunities for success are swirling around us, grab hold of one and allow it to carry you toward your goals.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Then on Saturday, August 29th our last full day in Miami I wrote, today's visiting Tarot, "XIX The Sun.  Any personal growth you achieve now will be linked to self-expression.  Say what you feel when you feel it.  Accept criticism and admit mistakes.  Enthusiasm and self-assurance bring results.  A promotion is on the horizon.  When reversed: Relationship hassles are likely.  Don’t get wrapped up in yourself so tightly that you ignore your partner’s or others’ needs.  Stop being overly dramatic.  Set goals realistically and try to do what’s good for all parties involved."

Enthusiastic self-expression is the key today.  Be yourself and be self-assured in all you say and do and don't be afraid of a little criticism...accept it and move on.

Somewhere along the way I believe at Miami International Airport, Sunday, August 30th, the visiting Tarot is the "IX of Pentacles.  Look for opportunities to develop your creative potential and to prove what you can do.  Start now!  The time for paybacks and rewards is quickly approaching, but it will only come if you strive for success.  When reversed: Plan carefully for whatever you hope to achieve right now.  Don’t assume that everything will work out just as expected, and don’t be afraid to ask for help."

As I strive toward achieving more and more of my goals, Spirit is rewarding me with the success of experiencing my dreams and goals in the here and now.

As I continue to recognize and identify as Wizard Oron as well as develop the lives, personalities, and characteristics of Edith and Eugene Tokalot and we go about our spiritual and RVing adventures, the energy of our desires and efforts build upon themselves.  This bountiful and cosmically charged energy allows us to experience our determined and purposeful goals today.

These last few days in Miami have allowed us to witness and experience the macrocosm and microcosm of life in Miami as well as the ups and downs or the boom and bust of the 'American Dream'.  It reminds us to thankful and always show gratitude for the lives we live and lead and where we find ourselves today.

As I take up my purpose for the betterment of mankind through inspiring people to Be more than they believe they can be, Spirit, the cosmos strengthen, encourage and propel me forward as I live, travel and earn a living from traversing the roads of North America in my van, Serenity.

I reach into the past with reverence and respect and allow the voices of antiquity teach me, enlighten me, fill me with the power and energy of life.

Travelling in and working from my van awakens my heart and soul and with each person I meet and inspire, as they inspire me I grow and become rich in life, in heart, mind, body and soul.

Thank You Spirit.

Monday, August 31st, 2015.  I had a work day today, not my favourite way of ending a vacation as we usually plan our vacations so we have a day of relaxation at home before heading to work.  But I managed just fine today as I received a warm welcome upon my return to this job and besides I had a fairly light workday as well.

Thankfully, our travel day was rather relaxing yesterday and I slept well so this combined with my being with Spirit on a daily basis made for a good day today.  Feeling and knowing Spirit combined with knowing that my future is unfolding each day in the direction I wish to be going creates a enriching energy for the day.

Today's visiting Tarot is the "King of Arrows, Kingfisher: You may need to exercise judgement, power, force of will.  The king is impartial and helps you see clearly what you no longer need to hold onto.  Use your strength to cut yourself free of what weighs you down.  Intelligence, Strength, Watchfulness, Counselling, The ability to judge true from false."

Tonight, I'm using "force of will" to complete this, my daily writing that I've been absent from for a week.  I even think I used it today to get up and get to and through the work day.  I even realize now as I contemplate the "King of Arrows" that I know what I must also move away from and not necessarily things that weigh me down but the way I behave the odd time as well as the time I sometimes waste when I'm alone.  Instead of allowing myself to waste time with some frivolous activities, I will now use these activities to raise energy and do a bit of magick.

Oh, and as I sign off here I'll let you that I'll post this to my blogs tomorrow as I'm tired and off to bed now...

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015.  A restful sleep last night but awoke early and although I tried to focus on spiritual matters such as Wizard Oron, Tarot, Crystals, Intuition and what not my mind was distracted by other thoughts that kept creeping, friends, and anything else that I didn't want to think about.  But I eventually drifted off back to sleep, lightly mind you and then it was time to get up.

I awoke with the thought of how much I like to awake early on the weekends so I can be with Spirit and Tarot and how I dislike awaking early to go my job.  As I arrived at my desk, my thought was that I was only there for the paycheque nothing more but now as I think about that thought and reflect on it I see how untrue that statement is.  Do I want to spend a lot of time at this job?  No, but While I'm there I'm doing my best to have a positive influence and impact on the company, it's the very least I can do.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the "Five of Arrows. Frustration: Frustration is the enemy of any pursuit that requires self-control and stillness.  It can be frustrating to hear rumours or lies spread but the cool and level-headed hunter will not be distracted by such trivia.  It may take some practice to understand that anything that takes emotional focus away from achieving a real and deserved goal is just that: a distraction.  If others are attempting to cause such distractions, you will only feed their ego and help their cause by reacting and acknowledging their efforts.  Take a deep breath and steady your mind and see clearly what the goal is.  Sometimes, humour can defuse and deflect the effects of frustration.  Take a moment to laugh at yourself and see the irony in situations that cause such distractions.  See the futility of games played against you to frustrate your efforts and coolly go about your business with a mature and steady intention.  Frustration is ungrounded energy that works against you and is better deployed in resolving your own challenges.  Take time to steady your aim and ignore your detractors.  Stay on target and loose your arrows at your goals with a cool and purposeful precision."

Distraction is the word of the day.  And for me, it's not the distractions of others that's the problem it's the self-created distractions that are causing me the most pain.  However, now that I've written the idea of self-created distractions down I realized that I can use those distractions to raise energy and create magick as I wrote yesterday as I recollected our trip down to Florida.  Additionally, I can then refocus my that energy and magick to realize my goals not far off into the future but more so in the here and now.

Although, one distraction that came to mind that I ignored until the last second was to pop into Banyen Books and Sound on my way back to the office from a service call and I'm glad I did as I found some more crystals and stones that will round out my current collection and one of them being 'chrysophase' that promotes the imagination and draws out unknown or hidden talents.  Interestingly enough when I read about this in 'Circle' magazine, teaching came to mind...the other stones I picked up are: blue celestite (develop psychic gifts of prophecy, clairaudience, clairsentience), prehnite (connect to beings on the higher spiritual planes, and enhances spiritual growth), silver blue topaz (aid spiritual communication, help writers block, inspire creativity & enhanced public speaking) and unakite (opening your psychic vision).

So, it's worth the effort to be mindful of the distractions that come into our lives and analyze them as best we can so we can determine as to which ones to brush off and ignore and those that are worth paying attention to.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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