
Thursday, September 17, 2015

'20 The Great Bear' and Letting Spirit Guide Us Through Change

Thursday, September 17, 2015.  What a beautiful sleep I had last night.  I awoke just a few minutes before 6:00am.  Cool!  I didn't even stir during the night.  And I barely remember dreaming...

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is "20 The Great Bear: The only thing in life that is assured is that, if you wait long enough, it will change.  How you survive that change and who you are after it is up to you.  The major element in this process is judgement of yourself and others.  This may relate to an assessment regarding a personal matter or situation, and could be linked to the process of forgiving.  It may also relate to a group or social decision.  In the process of judgement, both as an individual and on the universal level, honesty is the key.  Be honest, be forgiving, be patient, but most of all, be assured change is at hand.  Remember, the universe has a long memory.  Nothing is ever forgotten."

Change, change and how will we let it affect us and how will we make positive change or changes in our lives because of this?  We need to keep open minds, hearts and spirits and maintain our focus on the present with great plans for the future while at the same time be willing to change when needed.  We need to realize that life is unpredictable and never set in stone.  Change is a natural occurrence.  The very planet we live on is in a constant state of change as is the universe so why should we be any different.

If we all let Spirit guide us in all that we say and do we should pretty much be ready for anything.  Of course, this can sometimes also be easier said than done however with having said that my life is much calmer and more sane if I surrender to Spirit and all the wisdom that comes from within and because of the kindness, love, and generosity I let be part of my natural state of being.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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