Tuesday, March 24th, 2015. As usual we had a quiet and what some might call a boring evening at home relaxing and doing a whole lot of nothing as we relaxed the evening away after dinner and our evening showers. I did this, writing, as I'm doing now. Well, not actually but I was spending time with Spirit.
Spirit was top of mind for a short spell, really most of the evening before I crawled into bed. For even as I was contemplating my next move with the model railroad layout Spirit was with me.
Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane. Spiritual fulfillment from nature. Finding joy in the ordinary” and this is confirmed and supported by the “Ace of Coins: A gift of security. Starting to build or construct something. A fertile environment" which itself, is in turn supported by the “Guide of Coins".
What does all this mean?
We are the power and creative force we wish to have in our lives. How is this possible? B always being mindful of and respectful of the fact that we are very much a part of this world and without this world, we are nothing, and we cannot exist without it. We can if we choose harness the great power and energy of Gaia and take those creative thoughts and bring them into reality. Have no doubt...believe...have a little faith...be the creative force that you are.
Life is such a precious gift that we must not let it all go to waste for naught. Let's create and build our lives and do what we can to "save the world", if you will. Be thankful and ever grateful that you got open your eyes this morning.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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