
Sunday, March 22, 2015

The 8 of Coins with Context Given by the 5 of Swords

Sunday, March 22, 2015.  We had a very pleasant day yesterday.  The weather brightened up and we each did our own thing.  I hit the gym in the morning, then proceeded to play around with my model railroad layout on and off throughout the day in between reading a few pertinent magazine articles on the subject so as to be better prepared for the work ahead.

I'm trying to develop new skills as well as allow my natural talents to come through and this brings us to today's visiting Tarot, “8 of Coins: The Factory.  Skill and mastery.  Tedious, repetitive labour.  Slow and methodical progress" with context coming from the “5 of Swords: The Tennis Game.  Being overly competitive.  A game which gets out of hand.  A pattern of always needing to win, or to lose..”

I'm doing my best to follow my passions realizing I know nothing and have a lot to learn as well as the fact that even if we follow our passions, the work we put into them can become repetitive, tedious, and slow.  Also we must overcome the psyche of life being about winning and losing, either against others or even ourselves.  Life is about learning to connect with and allow Spirit to flow through us so we travel through life knowing and understanding the meaning of life as well as the fact that it's not always an easy road to travel.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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