
Friday, March 6, 2015

IX The Hermit and the 5 of Coins

Friday, March 6th, 2015.  Happy Friday!

Another quiet evening and a decent night's sleep prepared me for a bit of a hectic day.  My role at the job is becoming quite pivotal and critical to the company, the owners, and my fellow employees.  As I mentioned to my partner this evening I feel like I'm being surrounded by everyone as they walk around me in a circle asking me to do this and that for them or asking me a million different questions.  But all is good as I'm doing my best now to take notes and prioritize everything in an order that makes sense.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is “IX The Hermit: To fully understand something, sometimes you must escape it.  Gaining perspective.  Solitude.  Study” with reasons being offered by the “5 of Coins: Hard Times.  Material difficulties.  Lack of money.  People in adversity helping each other."

As I mentioned on twitter, worry and trouble look to the past and the future and faith looks within.  For whatever ails us, one of the best actions we can take is to look within for the guidance and answers we are seeking or maybe even don't know that we should be seeking.  Meditation calms the mind and opens our centres for direct communication and communion with the divine, with the all encompassing energy that ties this world together.  Harmonize with the cosmos and the cosmos will do it's best to work with us and guide us along the path we need to follow.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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