
Friday, February 6, 2015

The Sage of Wands with Further Guidance From the Youth of Coins

Friday, February 6th, 2015.  A somewhat odd night of sleep where I awoke on occasion worried about the time as well as from having surprising dreams of friends who, I have not seen in years and of magical workings I've never given any thought to.  Thank You Spirit.

Today was a short work day as I had a "vision field test" appointment at 3:00pm as there is a history of glaucoma in the family.  The test, a combination of tests took about fifteen minutes and I arrived back home around 4:00pm.  It's kind of a bonus as I did not realize that this is a long weekend when I booked the appointment about a month ago.  Glad to be home early and I think it was a good day for it as the work day was kind of slow even with it being a long weekend and all.

Thank You Spirit.

Today's visiting Tarot Card is the supporting card from yesterday, the “Sage of Wands: Wanting to change the world.  Changing your environment by winning others over to your viewpoint.  Critical acclaim.  Politics" and the supporting card of the day is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise."

Everything is in place for us to move forward with and achieve our goals. Welcome this gift of good fortune and wisdom that is ours to take hold of and use to strengthen our energy to carry forth and persevere as we go about our daily lives doing our part to make the world a better and brighter place by enhancing and improving our own lives.

Cosmos, Gaia, and Tarot.  These are the very fabric of our being and we must embrace our heritage and history and move forward knowing that we are more than flesh and bone.  We are the creators of our very existence.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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