
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Straight to the Point with the Youth of Coins and the Youth of Swords

Thursday, February 19th, 2015.  Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise" with a challenge coming from the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity.  Research.  Computers, e-mail.  Immature communication.  Spying (or "hacking").”

Not only do our thoughts influence the present and future so do our actions and physical existence.  Our day-to-day activities can and do influence our thoughts and feelings thus having an immediate as well as future impact on our lives.  Our health and well-being also have an influence so we should do all that we can to achieve harmony and balance in our bodies and between our mind, body, and spirit.

Although swords and coins are opposite and the “Youth of Coins" presence is being dampened by the “Youth of Swords", the “Youth of Swords" in this case is acting more as a signpost rather than as a counterpoint to the “Youth of Coins".  Research and as well as acknowledging how our physical behaviour can hinder or block our forward progress we can minimize these occurrences through diligent research and study.

Oh, another important aspect of these two cards today is the simple message telling us that we need to grow up and quit acting like the eternal child.  We're adults now and if want move forward with our goals, make something of our lives or simple have an impact on the world then we need to abandon our childlike behaviour and leave our childish ways behind us.  The only childlike things we should do is to keep an open mind and see the world as a place of wonder.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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