Monday, February 2nd, 2015. A new work week has started and is the case more often than not I did not have a sound sleep through the night and was awake well before the alarm. Perhaps, I spent too much time being active before going to bed however I could not deflate the excitement I felt after successfully running a train around most of my layout. Yay, my track plan works. All I need to do now is finish the layout. But first I need to create the foundation for my track and get that permanently affixed to the table before temporarily laying down the track and testing it again. This is going to be time consuming as I need to also do the wiring for the track the switches and I few others needed so my trains run smoothly and long-term on the layout.
Last night was a great night of being thankful, humble and appreciative of having the freedom to build a model railroad layout and experiencing the joy of building it as slowly as the process may be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Coins: A child’s room. Creating a positive environment for someone. Work done for the pleasure of it" with more guidance coming from “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”
The best way to allow ourselves the gift of doing things for the pleasure of it is to release and allow the creative energy of the universe to flow through and guide us to better our lives so we can better the lives of others in the process. I read once although I cannot remember where that true character comes doing good things whether someone is there to witness it or not. Do good deeds for the sake of doing them, not the recognition that may come through such good works.
Harness any creative talents you may have and put them to good use by using them and then releasing this creative energy to bring forth and spread joy throughout the world.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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