Tuesday, February 24th, 2015. TUESDAY (MARS): Passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection. MOON VOID OF COURSE: Just before the Moon enters a new sign, it will make one final aspect (angular relationship) to another planet. Between that last aspect and the entrance of the Moon into the next sign it is said to be void-of-course. Activities begun when the Moon is void-of-course rarely come to fruition, or they turn out very differently than planned. The Moon is transitioning from Taurus into GEMINI: Things begun now are easily changed by out side influence. Time for shortcuts, communication, games, and fun. (Llewellyn's 2015 Magical Almanac, Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd, Woodbury, MN, 2014)
I did some quick research on creating a PayPal invoice as well as how to add a PayPal button to my website however I now need to book a time for my remaining 30 minutes of tutorial time with the my web provider so I can review how to do this as I've forgotten the entire process. But I'm moving forward and making progress and this is a good thing!
Today was long busy day at work. Didn't seem like I was doing a whole lot and then suddenly the day was done. I worked alongside a co-worker and helped do a service call as well as complete a new installation for a new customer before returning to the office to wrap up the workday and come home.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Wands: Setting the Stage. Opening night finally arrives. A venture has been established. Celebrating initial achievements" however the “9 of Swords: Unquiet Dreams. Stress. Worries. Mental tapes which play over and over.” is trying to dampen the energy coming from the “4 of Wands". This can only happen if we succumb to those negative vibes and energy that tend to seduce us so easily.
Small achievements and baby steps are worth recognizing and celebrating as they tend to allow us to burst forth with the renewed energy and enthusiasm needed to get us across the finish line where we realize our goals and dreams.
Life is tough so let's not be afraid to celebrate the small things once in awhile!
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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