
Thursday, December 11, 2014

The 9 of Coins and the Man of Swords

Thursday, December 11th, 2014.  What a beautiful night of sleep I had last night.  I thought I awoke to use the bathroom but I fell back to sleep so quickly it is only but a faint memory that I’m not sure is real or not.  The alarm awoke us and it being my old phone it acted up this morning and I struggled to turn it off.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Coins: Rewards.  Enjoying the fruits of your labour.  Well-deserved enjoyment” tempered by the Man of Swords: A rational, scientific approach.  A thorough investigation.”
Work has become a challenge as of yesterday as an employee has given notice that they are resigning from their position, their last day being December 24th.  I’ve been given the task to learn that soon to be vacant position as well as do a thousand other jobs that fall under my title and job description.  My stress level is a thousand times higher than it was yesterday morning.  Thankfully going to gym and maintaining a healthy diet will keep me sane and balanced as I focus on my relationship with Spirit and the cosmos.

However, I also understand that by taking a step back and looking at the situation honestly and through objective eyes I will be able to move forward in a straightforward manner and weather this difficult and stressful time for not only myself but also the company I work for as well as my fellow employees.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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