
Sunday, December 28, 2014

The 10 of Coins, 10 of Wands and the 4 of Coins

Sunday, December 28th, 2014.  Yesterday was an alright day.  My partner had a haircut as I waited in the food court in Aberdeen Centre, having lunch and perusing my Tarot Card books as well as a photo of my model railroad layout.  My partner soon joined me, had lunch and then we headed out to south Surrey to get a ham for our New Year’s Eve dinner.

Upon returning home I had my hair trimmed then we made our to my brother’s place to join him and an uncle and his girlfriend for a post-Christmas visit, my brother lives in Surrey just fifteen minutes away from us and our uncle and girlfriend live in Vernon, about 5 hours hour away.  The visit, conversation and snacking food was as good as always and we all parted company around 10:00pm.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Cards are the “10 of Coins: History.  A knowledge of and appreciation for history.  Seeing your concerns in a larger context.  Seeing your life as a story; who is the author?” and the “10 of Wands: The Burden.  Responsibilities.  Obligations.  Overcommitting yourself.  Realizing that burdens are a part of life” with clarification from the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director.  A position of power.  Wanting to control how others perceive things.”

As I more and more become the author of my own life I realize that my burdens are of my own doing and not really burdens at all but rather, lessons learned and to be learned.  In addition, they are opportunities to grow and blossom spiritually as I understand my place in life as well as the meaning of life as it pertains to me, something that is different for each of us and something that each of us must discover on our own.  As I open my mind to the universe and to Spirit the knowledge and understanding I gain opens my mind, eyes, and spirit to the wonders of life, some of which are simple, mundane, and ordinary—things which get lost in the fast-paced lives we live and the constant need to have more and more exciting extrasensory experiences to satisfy our senses.

Go into our collective past, your own past and discover the future.  Drop our Smartphone’s, computers, tablets, and game boxes and delve into our minds—places of wonder, open to discovery, and amazing special effects and answers, if we only dare give ourselves the chance to discover them.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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