
Monday, December 22, 2014

The 2 of Coins and the Ace of Swords

Monday, December 22nd, 2014.  Another day of sleep and active dreams.  The night was a lot longer than I expected it to be.  My dreams were eye-opening, educational and encouraging as Spirit’s presence was with me throughout the night.

Last night we made a jaunt down to our local favourite Greek restaurant to celebrate for the third year in a row and at the same restaurant, our friend’s birthday.  The food as always was good.  The restaurant being close and it being a workday today we made it home early enough to relax and unwind for the evening before hitting the bed.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “2 of Coins: Tai Chi.  Flexibility.  “Going with the flow”.  Living in tune with your environment” that is tempered by the “Ace of Swords: An idea.  Starting to develop a plan or strategy.”

Both the “2 of Coins” and the “Ace of Swords” have meaning for me today.  My dreams being such as they were emphasized my need to be more in tune with Spirit and Nature through working more with Tarot and my Chakras as well as by taking and making time to meditate.  In one dream I was crying and crying out over the lack of Spirit in my life; in another I was...I lost the memory of the other couple I dreams I had...darn...

But these dreams along with a news piece that just aired make me well aware that I need to build a stronger spiritual life for myself and focus much more attention on this side of my life now and where I believe I need to go to make my life even more spiritually strong and fulfilling.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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