
Friday, October 31, 2014

Blessed Samhain - The Man of Wands with Support from the 10 of Wands

Friday, October 31st, 2014.  Blessed Samhain.  Happy Halloween.

I had another decent night’s sleep surprisingly so as we had a friend over for a simple dinner of spaghetti and meatballs.  The food was good, the conversation even better and we’ll be entertaining a couple of more friends on Sunday.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Man of Wands: Someone who likes problems, and/or thrives on unstable or dangerous situations. “The Establishment”.  Keeping the peace.” And the supporting card is the “10 of Wands: The Burden.  Responsibilities.  Obligations.  Overcommitting yourself.  Realizing that burdens are a part of life.”

Balanced thought combined with insightful action will keep us from making mistakes and creating more harmony in our lives.  This allows us then to find more constructive avenues to fulfill our needs for adrenalin rushes every now and then.  We have what it takes to give 100% and be fully committed to any project we tackle.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The 10 of Cups and the Ace of Coins

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014.  Another night of good sleep.  When I awoke I knew the sound of alarm was not too far away.  However, the alarm did awake me from my light sleep.  Thank You Spirit.

I again piddled around with my model railroad last night and flipped through a couple of my model railroading magazines as I try to firm up ideas I have for my layout.  I’m trying to get a good visual of what I want my mountain scene to look like.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”, with support from the “Ace of Coins: A gift of security.  Starting to build or construct something.  A fertile environment.”

These two cards are reminders that my life is on a very good footing and life is humming along quite nicely, a happy go-lucky kind of day-to-day goings on.  I’m continuing to build  on the security I have in my life by accepting myself, my role in life, and through being flexible and open-minded about the timing of my dreams transforming into reality.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The 8 of Cups with Support From the 9 of Cups

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014.  Another quiet evening at home last night and another decent night’s sleep.  I did piddle around my model railroad layout for a bit and just moving a few things around here and there gave it the “raw” look I was looking for that made look more like a layout that can become the model railroad empire I desire to build.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself.”, and the supporting card of the day is the “9 of Cups: Serendipity.  Satisfaction.  Everything is going well.”

I need to strive to leave my judgmental tendencies behind me as everything is going fairly well for the most part and will definitely get better when I leave my last bit of lingering negativity behind me.  Additionally, I’ll even improve my health in terms of having more time, energy, and desire to go the gym increasing my visits from three to five days a week.  Heck, maybe I can even have my hair grow back!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Sage of Swords with Support From the Guide of Swords

Monday, October 27, 2014.  We had a productive day yesterday, groceries were picked up and I did some work on my model railroad layout.  We also worked on retrofitting our kitchen with new cabinets through Home Depot’s Virtual Kitchen program they use.  I also had a decent night’s sleep that felt extraordinarily long and was glad to be awoken by the alarm albeit from a semiconscious dream state.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision.  Being too judgmental.  Mediating a dispute.”, and the supporting card is the “Guide of Swords: A wider perspective.  Altruistic thoughts.  Messages from the higher self.”

The best way for any of us to make mature, informed decisions is to keep others in mind through altruistic thoughts and continued connections with the higher self.  We best do this through a state of mind where our hearts our open and we approach all through our spirit to theirs.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The 6 of Coins, Being Thankful and Embracing the Future

Sunday, October 26th, 2014.  Yesterday was one of those days where flexibility and compromise were the words and actions of the day.  My plans for the day were simple.  I’d buy a single piece of lumber and get to work on expanding my model railroad layout table.  Well, I got the piece of lumber as we ran another errand putting together ideas for new kitchen cabinets and picking up tickets for a concert in the evening.  So I simply succeeded in getting the piece of wood cut down to size and that was it.

We went to see Diego El Cigala perform at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.  Even though I do not understand a whole lot of Spanish, I thoroughly enjoyed this concert.  The words may have been in a foreign language but his voice and the music ignited my heart and soul.

I slept quite well and dozed likely for the last couple of hours I was in bed and my dreams were occurring in a semi-conscious state, I’d have to say.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Coins: Dependence.  Resentment because of financial dependence on another.  Charity.  An unequal relationship.”

I’m gratefully employed and paying down my debt.  My dreamed about future is unfolding before me and I see a clear path ahead.  I know where I’m going.  I’ve embraced my future.  I’m gaining and have gained my independence.  A little more ways to go and I’ll be a true and honest of refection of the “me” that I’ve hidden away for far too long.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

XVI Revelation and Revealing Our Warts to Ourselves

Saturday, October 25th, 2014.  I didn’t sleep terribly well last night and awoke early but I always like to get up early on the weekends so I can some good solid alone time with Spirit and Tarot.  This morning I have a candle burning and incense smoking and Spirit abounds.  I’ve communed and meditated in my own way and now I sit here enjoying a coffee as I write about Tarot.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XVI Revelation: While it is usually best to tell the truth about yourself to those who are close to you, it can be a painful experience.  A necessary destruction of the status quo.  Having to tell someone an unwelcome truth.  A new idea which upsets others.”

And I love and accept myself for all that I am, warts and all.  I’m me and I’m at my best when I behave like me.  I’m guided by Spirit and love and this motivates me to be my best and one of the best ways to do this is to be the real me.  I’m happiest when I do things that make other people and I do these things because I love to do them.  The world then becomes a happier place.

Although, many people find my charming and likeable they also tend to see my abrasiveness but are always won over by my charm, witty smile and great energy.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Ace of Wands, the Ace of Swords and the Roadmap Becoming Clear

Friday, October 24th, 2014.  I didn’t sleep as well as the night before however I only awoke briefly at some point during the night and then several minutes before the alarm so all is good.  And it was easy to crawl out of bed and get on with the day.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Wands: A creative inspiration. The beginning of a project or venture.”
I guess that since I’ve gone through the website tutorial and am more active with my model railroad I’m more inspired and eager to continue on with each of these projects.  Moving forward and making progress is the creative inspiration and the active beginning of my new career and long dreamed about hobby.

As well, the “Ace of Swords: An idea.  Starting to develop a plan or strategy.” appears on the bottom of the deck and had some resonance for me.  My plans, my dreams are becoming more firm and taking significant shape in my mind and I’m catching glimpses of the roadmap I must take to continue to move forward on this path.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

9 of Cups and celebrating This Day

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014.  I had a fantastic sleep last night.  I somewhat awoke but was real only awakened by the alarm.  Loved it, did not stir once throughout the night.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Cups: Serendipity.  Satisfaction.  Everything is going well.”

A new website, a new career, traveling in a van conversion and enjoying the sights and sounds of Canada and the USA—what a wonderful dream to turn into reality.  This day is about celebrating your success however big or small it may be.  Celebrate you and your life.  Celebrate the fact that you awoke and got out of bed today.  Life is a gift to love and appreciate and this is a day that should remind us of this fact and let’s make it a great by showing our love for the world and those around us.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

XX Beyond Judgement and Liberating Ourselves Through Ourselves

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014.  I had a decent night’s sleep even though I spent a period of time laying awake with some worry about work and hobby matters.  The alarm surprised me yet again.

Today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XX Beyond Judgement: Self-acceptance must come before liberation.  Freedom from others’ expectations. Trying to make conditions better for others.  Altruism.  Pride. Self-acceptance.”

I must as all of us must do and that is to not allow others to control our lives and more importantly, our thoughts and feelings about ourselves.  The more in-tune we are with ourselves the more liberated we are and the more able we are to make the world a better place for those around us.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Ace of Coins and Building on a Solid Foundation

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014.  I had a great night’s sleep and was quite disappointed when the alarm sounded and pulled me from my deep and very valuable REM sleep.  I really wanted to stay in bed.  I dragged myself out of bed and got on with the morning.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Coins: A gift of security.  Starting to build or construct something.  A fertile environment.”

Thoughts are changing.  My thoughts are more comfortable when I find myself thinking about my new career.  I’m likely to break out in my new career sometime this winter.  I’ve got a solid foundation on which to build myself a successful career as I’m working at a stable job and in a very strong and supportive relationship.  My gym routine and eating habits are quite healthy and moving along nicely.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, October 20, 2014

The 7 of Coins and Rolling Along

Monday, October 20th, 2014.  Another day, a work day has come and gone and the evening is unfolding at a nice pace.  Dinner has been eaten, showers completed and the relaxation has begun.  This even though I had a terrible night’s sleep.
The work day was not as bad as anticipated and we survived the day that was quite calm and relaxing for the most part.  We had a few service calls to complete and a few orders had to go out “ASAP” but other than that the day rolled along very smoothly.

Thank You Spirit.

As I awoke with the alarm I quickly moved into a quick meditation and communion with Tarot working with Tarot after getting the coffee going and taking care of other morning duties and rituals.  Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “7 of Coins: Chores.  Resting after a job well done.  Contemplating life's cycles and changes.  Planning your next move.  Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make way for something new.”

This is a reminder to not forget and to put into practice what I learned in the morning about managing, editing, and maintaining my new website.  With this I can finally cast away the old worn out ideas that no longer work in my life and embrace instead the present and future that is today and the experiences of tomorrow.

And as soon as I’ve completed a few edits and changes to my new website I’ll post a link to it here.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The 6 of Coins

Saturday, October 18th, 2014.  We stayed up a little later than usual to catch a news story and I then found that I slept in this morning by about fifteen minutes.  How exciting!

I realized this morning that for the right reasons and for something I enjoy doing I’m an early riser and willing to commit seven days a week to doing what I love to do.  More than that is the also the realization that I know more than I thought I did about Tarot, the symbols of the Zodiac as well as the meanings for each day of the week.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Coins: Dependence.  Resentment because of financial dependence on another.  Charity.  An unequal relationship.”

The “6 of Coins”, a nice little reminder to be thankful for all that I have and the opportunities that this provides me with.  Having a stable, well-paying job helps to pay off my debts as well as build up my bank account and allows me to pursue a childhood hobby as well as work toward a new career.  Being in a relationship where I do not have to worry so much about living expenses as my partner takes care of those frees me up to take care of the home and prepare meals that we both enjoy.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Sage of Wands and 4 of Wands

Friday, October 17th, 2014.  I slept well but awoke about 20 minutes before the alarm.  Somehow, I know that the sound of the alarm is not too far away so I cannot drift back to sleep as much as I’d want to.  No worries.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Wands: Wanting to change the world.  Changing your environment by winning others over to your viewpoint.  Critical acclaim.  Politics.”, and the supporting card is the “4 of Wands: Setting the Stage.  Opening night finally arrives.  A venture has been established.  Celebrating initial achievements.”

I’m doing well at work and also in understanding, appreciating and believing in myself and the new career direction I’m taking.  I’ve rediscovered and am maintaining my connection to the cosmos and keeping myself grounded and energized by all that is.  Spirit is alive and well and I cherish my sacred awareness and spiritual experiences.  My skills and talents are shining displays of Spirit in life and for this I am eternally grateful.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

XV Self Hatred and Finding the Strength and Courage to Go It Alone

Thursday, October 16, 2014.  I slept rather well however awoke a couple of times for a bathroom break.  Having tea so close to bedtime sometimes has that affect on me.  But then I did fall to back to sleep quite quickly and only awoke minutes before the alarm feeling quite well rested and awake.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities.  Unconsciously accepting societal norms.  Low self-esteem.”

I’m realizing that I need to let go of this need to fit in with the work-a-day life that I wish to leave behind me in favour of working for myself and earning whatever income I can from the realization my dreams and do it now and not wait for the right time to come.  I need to make it happen or it will never happen.

I understand that what makes me happy is unlikely to be widely accepted by those around me but I must not let this stop me from going my own way as this is what I need to do so I can grow and blossom as the real person I am.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The 10 of Wands and Having Dreams Yet Living in Reality

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014.  I guess I was not paying attention yesterday as I wrote the date as the 15th instead of the 14th.  Let me just double check the date—yes, indeed it is Wednesday, October 15th today and the year still is 2014.


I slept rather well last night and although I did awake before the alarm I fell back to sleep enough where I was more than dozing yet not quite in that lovely REM sleep that really knocks us out and allows us to relax and rest up for the day ahead.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”

I’m doing my best to be grounded in reality yet at the same time have my dreams and do my best to realize my goals.  I have my ideal life in mind and after re-reading a book on chakras I was reminded that I also need to do more to live life more my way than the way others expect me to live.  This realization also brought to mind ideas that I had for my life almost fifteen years ago.  So if I desire to be more in tune with others, myself, with Spirit, with the cosmos I need to do more to live my life according to what I feel makes me tick, makes me feel at peace with myself and the world around me.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The 5 of Wands and Stepping Back

Tuesday, October 15th, 2014.  I awoke around 4am and then dozed on and off until the alarm sounded at 6am.  Unfortunately, I forgot to turn the alarm for Monday and it awoke me from a very deep sleep and then I couldn’t fall fully back to sleep yesterday either so I’m kind of tired this evening.

I stayed late at work today as we had a quick meeting that started at 4:30pm and went past 5:00pm.  So I did not get home until about 5:40pm.  I’ll likely have another possible late tomorrow as well as the owners are taking a quick vacation for about ten days starting Thursday.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace.”

I’m taking a step back to try and see how I can better prepare myself and how I can best move forward with my career goals and how I can best handle life without a job where my time is being bought by an employer and instead rely on my own business sense to pay myself wages.

Not only do I have to be disciplined in working for myself I must also be disciplined in being aware of the marketplace and the competition I’m up against.  My desired career is a fuzzy one at best so I need to be on my toes and understand my customer base as well as where they and I can take my career.

Perhaps, I should also be willing to work with all others in the same field so we can grow our businesses together and be in a friendly spirit of competition instead of an adversarial one.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The 8 of Coins and Harmonizing with Spirit

Monday, October 13th, 2014.  We had a safe and quick adventure to and from Kamloops to visit my dad and his wife.  They’re doing alright and have definitely downsized their lifestyle. Their apartment is a tiny one.

Kamloops from what we saw has a very small town feel to it and not much to my liking.  Perhaps, a nice place to visit but I could not see myself living there.  The drive up was pretty much dry but coming back today, it was a soaker at times and as is usual, traffic bunched up as we hit Chilliwack and moved on into Abbottsford. So the three hour trip was about four plus hour trip back because of the traffic congestion.

Nice to see my dad and his wife and I’m likely to go visit more often considering the three hour drive.  We just won’t do it on a long weekend.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Coins: The Factory.  Skill and mastery.  Tedious, repetitive labor.  Slow and methodical progress.”

As I’m tweaking my life here and there I’m more in harmony and in tune with the universe and on the cusp of experiencing the realization of my goals.  Getting to more serious work on my model railroad has led me to prepare for more serious work investing in all matters of spirit—Tarot, Meditation, Chakras and harmonizing with Spirit.  I want to have my spiritual self, my spiritual energy in tune with Spirit.  A few more adjustments and fine-tuning and I’m there.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

VII The Chariot and Finding a Way to Stop Spinning My Wheels

Sunday, October 12th, 2014.  Namaste…

…the long weekend is much appreciated as this the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend however it is also shorter in some senses as we are traveling out of town today for a quick overnight trip to Kamloops, returning home tomorrow.  My dad and his wife live up there and this will be my first there since they moved to Kamloops about two years ago.  It’s time for a visit.

Yesterday was pretty much a home day although we did venture out briefly as I made a trip to the hobby store to pick up a few things so I move ahead with the new plans for my model railroad layout.  We also ventured out for an afternoon coffee and a brief walk along the river.

This morning as I worked with Tarot I got to thinking how I need to really focus on developing my spirit, my spiritual life, and my desired spiritual career of sorts.  This thought likely started yesterday as I pulled a few books off the shelf regarding Tarot, Chakras, and listening skills.  If I wish to move forward and achieve my goals I need to find focus and make forward progress instead of constantly spinning my wheels and moving nowhere.  These thoughts likely brought about today’s visiting Tarot Card, “VII The Chariot:  Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one's game.  Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely).”

Goals are within reach but I must put in the hard and extra effort needed to get me past the last hurdle—myself.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The 6 of Coins and Being Grateful and Giving

Saturday, October 11th, 2014.  We had a quiet evening at home last night.  After dinner and a shower I tinkered with my model railroad layout.  I’m tweaking the track plan a little and will likely add about twelve inches to length of the layout as it will provide the layout with enough room for me to have not only a satisfactory track plan but a better overall layout with more “land” and “scenery” to create as I work to complete the layout.  I plan to visit the hobby store today to pick up a couple of items so I can further move along with building my long dreamed about yet very much adapted model railroad.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Coins: Dependence.  Resentment because of financial dependence on another.  Charity.  An unequal relationship.”

As much as we may dislike having to rely on someone else for financial support we must not only be grateful for such support we should also show our appreciation and thankfulness for it too!  As much as I’d like to be financially self-sufficient and I sometimes get dismayed at my predicament, if I can call it such, I’m also very thankful I have full-time job that pays me a decent wage for the work I do.

This morning as I quickly sat down to meditate before working with Tarot my eyes were opened to the lost sense of direction I found myself in which then opened up the door to the direction I need to go in order to be where I most want to be—financially self-sufficient or as close to it as I can get.

As I write this new ideas are flowing through my mind as to how to tweak my up and coming website and how I can best move forward in the world I wish to create for myself through a new a career path that will enable my free flowing spirit to soar.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The 5 of Cups and XII The Hanged Man

Friday, October 10th, 2014.  So a couple of days have passed us by or almost as there is still five hours of Friday left to enjoy.

Yesterday was a super busy day at work and as much as I was looking forward to simply coming home to crash we agreed to meet a friend for dinner.  As is in most cases, dinner was good and the conversation was great.  We chatted for a couple of hours at The Reef on Main Street in Vancouver.  We arrive back home around 9:30 or so.

Yesterday’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Cups: The Aftermath.  Regret over past actions.”  As well I took notice of “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

The “5 of Cups” surprises me when it drops by for a visit but then I always come to an understanding of why it shows up as it reminds me to be on the lookout for and to do my best to avoid making rash decisions of get stuck in a doubtful way of thinking.  And then it’s also reminding me that better things are always around the corner.  Additionally, if I’m directing my passions I’m less likely to do things I regret later.

Today was a much better day than yesterday, quiet yet comfortably busy and a nice quite simple end to the work day.  I’m glad as I lay awake for about an hour and a half last night and awoke feeling a bit tired.  In fact, the alarm awoke me and as I rolled for a second I almost fell back to sleep.

Today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XII The Hanged Man: Living in the moment.  Being fully absorbed in the present.  Nonattachment to goals.  Seeing things from a new angle.”

Not knowing is okay and I’m finally accepting this fact of my life.  I don’t know everything and I acknowledge this and surrender to the loving presence, guidance, and comfort of Spirit in my life.  I need a alone day, a quiet day where I can get away from it all and simply “be”.  A good dose of nature therapy will do me just fine.

Not knowing and admitting that we do not often illuminates fresh new insights that allow us to move in a new direction with confidence as is revealed by another card today that caught my attention, the “2 of Wands: Confidence. Being the king of your castle. Preparing the ground for a new venture. The dawn of an adventure.”

I do have more smarts than I give myself credit especially in relation to the new direction I wish to go.  In fact, it’s not really a new direction at all as I given thought to many times over the past years, if not over the past ten or fifteen years or even slightly longer.  I simply need to believe in myself and allow my natural talents and confidence to shine through as we all should.

Today is still here so I’m going to end here and get on with enjoying the rest of this fine day.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

XI Strength and Inner Peace

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014.  I’m sleeping well however I’m awaking 30 – 60 minutes before the alarm and then I simply doze until the alarm sounds.  I could get up but I still feel tired enough so as not to want to crawl out of bed in hopes of actually falling asleep which seems to happen on occasion so I’m good with dozing.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

This card is about the tenacity to carry on regardless of the circumstances.  It’s about continuing to put one foot in front of the other even when all you want to is stop and move no more.  This is done by finding our centre and feeling that inner peace that only Spirit can fill us with.  Patience and endurance.  Sacred awareness and unconditional love.  Spiritual experiences in all that we do.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Guide of Cups and Welcoming Spirit Into Our Lives

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014.  I slept rather well however awoke quite a bit before the alarm and noticed that I was simply dozing and trying to sleep rather than really sleeping but all is good.  We had a quiet evening at home.  I made it to the gym after work last night for the first time in well over two weeks and I felt great.  My plan is to go every single work day doing a combination of weights and cardio.

Today’s visiting Tarot Car is the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart.  Altruism.”

Refreshed and renewed spirit.  Feeling a strong need to go it alone for a spell perhaps now that I realize I’m in a very strong, loving, and understanding relationship.  The road is calling and building a model railroad evokes a sense and need of travel.  The roads and rails offer a journey from Point “A” to Point “B” and thousands of places beyond.  I also get a sense that I need to get my website operational as soon as possible and be prepared to be busy as web surfers discover my site and decide that they need to communicate with me as well as try out the services I offer.

Let Spirit into your life, open your spirit to the pure loving energy of the universe and be guided by your heart this day.  Most likely, you’ll feel a need to offer help and assistance to those in need or less fortunate than yourself.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The 4 of Coins and Learning to Let Go the Need to Control

Monday, October 6th, 2014.  We had another day spent with a friend, conversation, and good food.  I made a beef and vegetable stew that received rave reviews so I was quite happy about that as I never feel that my cooking is never quite where I want it to be.  Then we made it an early night by crawling into bed not much past 10:00pm.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director.  A position of power.  Wanting to control how others perceive things.”

I like agreement as in everyone agreeing with me so I must always be on guard so I can catch myself and resist the need to always be right as well so I do not end up sticking my foot in my mouth as I have often done in the past.  I also need to let go a little bit more in my life and find more reasons to relax and simply be and let things run their course knowing full well that I’m running along a path that is guided by Spirit and all things will come to be.  I simply need to let come to fruition without such a tight grip.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

VII The Chariot and Managing Our Time and Patience

Sunday, October 5th, 2014.  We had a very good day yesterday.  I had the oil changed in the car and the garage also checked over the entire car and gave it a thumbs up.  I also finally gave away some craft supplies I have not used in many years and will likely have more to give away down the road as I find other things I no longer use as I move forward with my hobbies.

I gave those craft supplies to a friend that is heavily into scrapbooking as she knows a lot of people that will likely put these things to good use.  Unfortunately, I made a lot of impulsive purchases rather than think about why I was buying what I was buying.  So many things just sat on the shelf or in boxes for a couple of years or more.  So we spent a good part of the late morning and early afternoon with her which was very nice.

Then we went shopping, our weekly grocery run as well as a few extras for our dinner tonight with a friend.  We’re making a simple beef and vegetable stew.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VII The Chariot:  Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one's game.  Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely).”

Right now I’m kind of yet not really spinning my wheels.  I guess you might say I’m in a holding pattern as I have a few things to do before I can really move forward in this career direction I wish to go.  I need to book a tutorial appointment so I can learn about the management and activation of my new website.  But of course, I also need to start looking at the calendar so I have an idea of how to book my time when people make requests for and of my time.

So if we find ourselves not moving anywhere it is best to have patience and keep our eyes and minds open for those opportunities that can our way when we least expect or are not really paying much attention.  So let’s be alert and ready to make a move when something comes our way.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Guide of Swords and Seeing Our Lives Through Divine Eyes

Saturday, October 4th, 2014.  As hard I might try I have a hard time sleeping in on the weekend.  This morning I was awake and ready to get of bed just after 5:30am.  My mind was clear and nary a thought crossed my mind but sleep evaded me so as the clock had already ticked past 6am I decide to just get out of bed instead of waiting for sleep to wash over me again.

I discovered that I can do some quick meditation standing up these days although this morning I preferred to sit for a spell and simply “be” as I sat for several minutes communing with Spirit. And then suddenly I just had to get up and start shuffling my Tarot deck.  Oddly enough as I was shuffling the deck a card somehow flipped over.  At first I thought I was just seeing things then I caught another glimpse of the card and then it was on top of the deck, my card of the day.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Swords: A wider perspective.  Altruistic thoughts.  Messages from the higher self.”

As much as I try to be the author of my own life I also know, maybe understand is a better word, that my life is also guided by and influenced by Spirit.  The more we meditate, the more we commune with Spirit, the more we work with Tarot, the more open are we to the gentle presence and guidance of Spirit in our lives.  When we see our lives through Divine eyes, we are living life as much as life is living us and we are moving along in harmony with Spirit, with the cosmic forces that guide us and help us move along with living our lives with purpose.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, October 3, 2014

The 10 of Cups and Spreading the Love - Don't Forget About Yourself!

Friday, October 3rd, 2014.  Another night of good sleep is always welcome and this is what I had again last night.  I was awoken by the alarm.  I moved much faster than yesterday and was able to relax a bit more without rushing.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”

It’s time for a bit of a love fest.  Let’s celebrate our friendships and intimate relationships as well our love for ourselves.  Time to give ourselves a bit of tender loving care and focus on the happiness that is us as our truest happiness always comes from within.

Additionally, let us be guided by Spirit so that we avoid all those “pie in the sky” dreams that can cause turmoil in our lives when they do not come to fruition.  Realistic dreams, real action, and harmony and compromise bring about results and the attainment of our “secret” dreams.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The 10 of Swords and Resolving Self-Doubt and Fear

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014.  Another early night as the bed beckoned and sleep fell over us.  I awoke a couple of times even likely not long before the alarm but fell back to sleep and awakened by the alarm.  Very nice.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Hysterical overreaction.”

Resolving self-doubts and fears is the key to releasing our truest and best abilities.  Applying our true and innate divine knowledge and recognizing our true feelings will turn us away from focusing on the negatives in our lives and instead discover ways to wake-up each everyday and move forward in more positive and loving ways.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

XV Self Hatred and Accepting Limitations and Lack of Knowledge

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014.  Our home is complete.  We’re both now back home with my partner’s arrival from Ottawa yesterday afternoon.  We had a quiet evening and a nice simple dinner along with much conversation as we hadn’t seen each for several days.  Great be together again even if we were only apart for such a short time.  I slept well but had to use the bathroom a couple of times, two cups of tea so close to bedtime was likely not a good idea but one just seem like enough.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities.  Unconsciously accepting societal norms.  Low self-esteem.”

I accept my limitations and my lack of knowledge in many areas and this is okay with me.  We must accept the fact that we do not nor can we do or know everything that there is to know or do.  We need to focus on what we can do and do best and move in that direction without overlooking our values and knowing when to ask for help.  We should also ensure that we are not overlooking our best interests when it comes to situations or circumstances that we find ourselves in.

Although, I do have goals I’m working toward I also know that I need to learn more in order to move forward on a solid footing.  One step was to have a website developed for my new business/career by a web design company since I have no experience or the inclination to do so.  I’m also researching some educational opportunities to learn more about an area I understand and have some knowledge of but not enough expertise to feel comfortable offering such a service without this educational component.

Additionally, I’m open and flexible enough to be guided by Spirit if there are better avenues for me to follow or better ways to achieve my goals.  Also, I’m focused on being responsible for and pay my financial debts.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.