Tuesday, October 15th, 2014. I awoke around 4am and then dozed on and off until the alarm sounded at 6am. Unfortunately, I forgot to turn the alarm for Monday and it awoke me from a very deep sleep and then I couldn’t fall fully back to sleep yesterday either so I’m kind of tired this evening.
I stayed late at work today as we had a quick meeting that started at 4:30pm and went past 5:00pm. So I did not get home until about 5:40pm. I’ll likely have another possible late tomorrow as well as the owners are taking a quick vacation for about ten days starting Thursday.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game. The project meets resistance. Testing one’s ideas against others. An enjoyable struggle. Competition in the marketplace.”
I’m taking a step back to try and see how I can better prepare myself and how I can best move forward with my career goals and how I can best handle life without a job where my time is being bought by an employer and instead rely on my own business sense to pay myself wages.
Not only do I have to be disciplined in working for myself I must also be disciplined in being aware of the marketplace and the competition I’m up against. My desired career is a fuzzy one at best so I need to be on my toes and understand my customer base as well as where they and I can take my career.
Perhaps, I should also be willing to work with all others in the same field so we can grow our businesses together and be in a friendly spirit of competition instead of an adversarial one.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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