Friday, February 28, 2014. The last day of February and a great day it is. I awoke early and have been able to work with and commune with both Spirit and Tarot and reflect on today’s visiting Tarot Card. In addition, I can make our lunches for today. Great!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Cups: Farewell. Moving on. Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself.”
I do know of some areas where I can change in my personal life however I’m also wondering if this is also pointing to need to change jobs? My job is where I at times feeling defeated and lacking the energy to go on with making blind calls to people who do not want to receive them. However, at the same time I know it is expected of me. I hate making calls to businesses that have great potential for the company I work for but that refuse to accept my call or do business with us because we are blindly calling them and the decision makers at these businesses hate this very type of approach I am tasked to do.
But this card is asking that question have you awakened this morning with a heavy dose of dissatisfaction in your life or the realization that you awakened from your stupor to only realize that you are not or no longer are living your dream life? Is changed needed or perhaps a only few tweaks here and there to get you back on course. Or do you really need to strike out a new path and never look back at where you once were?
Much to contemplate today…
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Welcome to Wizard Oron—I’m a Spiritual and Tarot Intuitive and I want to read the cards for you. More specifically I want to see the synergy that exists between you, the cards, and Spirit and assist you in understanding where your life's at now and where it can be tomorrow through looking at and understanding this synergy.
Friday, February 28, 2014
The 8 of Cups and Awaking to a Need to Adjust or Bring About Change
8 of Cups,
Blessed Be,
Repeating Tarot Card,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader
Thursday, February 27, 2014
The Sage of Swords and Looking At Myself!
Thursday, February 27th, 2014. Well I had another decent night’s sleep and it all has to do with the power of Spirit and Tarot in my life. I’m also learning how to take my job in stride. I know what my roll at this job entails and I know full well that I’m more than capable of and have the skills and talents to the job well and bring about new business for the company. Additionally, I’m also learning to relax more during the evening by appreciating the gift and time of the present.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision. Being too judgmental. Mediating a dispute.”
A repeat visitor from yesterday. This “Sage of Swords” obviously means business. Truthfulness, eloquence, living up to my highest ideals. I cannot short change myself to maintain the status quo nor can I short change myself by cutting corners or lowering my ethical and moral standards. I need to keep honesty, ethics, morals and good behaviour top of mind and do things above board whether business or personal. I need to look at myself more carefully then to see whether or not certain areas of life in this regard are lacking and we should all do the same.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision. Being too judgmental. Mediating a dispute.”
A repeat visitor from yesterday. This “Sage of Swords” obviously means business. Truthfulness, eloquence, living up to my highest ideals. I cannot short change myself to maintain the status quo nor can I short change myself by cutting corners or lowering my ethical and moral standards. I need to keep honesty, ethics, morals and good behaviour top of mind and do things above board whether business or personal. I need to look at myself more carefully then to see whether or not certain areas of life in this regard are lacking and we should all do the same.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Sage of Swords,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
The Sage of Swords and Getting All the Facts
Wednesday, February 26, 2014. I didn’t sleep through the night but still had a great sleep with the few wake-ups that I had. I was just turning over to try and get a bit more shut eye when the alarm sounded so up and at ‘em we were. I also made a decent effort in communing with Spirit and Tarot this morning as well. I’m feeling quite connected these days to my Tarot Cards. In fact, I’ll likely start working with another deck this weekend as the other decks run through my mind almost every day so I might as well put them to use and get to them.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision. Being too judgmental. Mediating a dispute.”
The “Sage of Swords” is a reminder to think things through and do plenty of research for making decisions or jumping head first into something that might look good but is likely not a very good idea is all of the information is at hand and we get the facts straight. So I’ve concluded that as long as I perform my duties at work and get appointments for the Sales Manager to attend my job is secure and I’ll be closer to living my dreams than if I up and quit and try to find something better.
No job can be perfect; we just have to do our part to make it less irritating and bothersome. Attitude and having the right and possibly flexible attitude can make a huge difference in this department. So this is what I’m going to do. I’m not in this alone and I have Spirit with me always as well as a great support network of family and friends.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Swords: Making a mature, informed decision. Being too judgmental. Mediating a dispute.”
The “Sage of Swords” is a reminder to think things through and do plenty of research for making decisions or jumping head first into something that might look good but is likely not a very good idea is all of the information is at hand and we get the facts straight. So I’ve concluded that as long as I perform my duties at work and get appointments for the Sales Manager to attend my job is secure and I’ll be closer to living my dreams than if I up and quit and try to find something better.
No job can be perfect; we just have to do our part to make it less irritating and bothersome. Attitude and having the right and possibly flexible attitude can make a huge difference in this department. So this is what I’m going to do. I’m not in this alone and I have Spirit with me always as well as a great support network of family and friends.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Sage of Swords,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Today's Visiting Tarot Card
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
X The Wheel Life and Expecting the Unexpected
Tuesday, February 25th, 2014. I slept very well last night only awaking once through the night and then sleeping into the alarm. It’s not often that I’m awakened by the alarm. How nice it is to sleep so soundly. I was very relaxed last night after my self-study Spanish lessons and reading a couple of my favourite blogs-Wiccan Writes and RV-Dreams.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “X The Wheel of Life: If life on the rim makes you dizzy, move to the centre. Awareness of the cycles of life. Equanimity. A change in fortunes. Guidance from your future or past self. “
Destiny is in rapid motion today meaning that destiny might throw us a curve ball, a bit of a surprise, an unexpected event or maybe even an accident of sorts. Something to give us a bit of a pause for thought or perhaps get us to finally make a decision that needs making.
Perhaps, we’re moving too fast and need to slow down our pace a little and enjoy our present moments much more than we are. Do we need to take a vacation or a few days off so we can recharge the batteries and get back to being ourselves?
My day was a bit surprising but not really at the same time. I met a business contact from my networking breakfast so we can learn a bit more about each other and the respective businesses we are trying to grow. This went well. Then I had my three month review and not that I was surprised by it but it was far more critical than I was expecting however I’m still employed with the company so I still have a chance to prove myself and succeed there and this is a good thing. My sales manager seldom has anything nice to say about anyone but some of his criticisms of my work I felt were far too heavy handed. But I’ve simply shrugged it off knowing that I know what I’m doing and that I’m good at based on feedback from previous employers and a co-worker or two.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “X The Wheel of Life: If life on the rim makes you dizzy, move to the centre. Awareness of the cycles of life. Equanimity. A change in fortunes. Guidance from your future or past self. “
Destiny is in rapid motion today meaning that destiny might throw us a curve ball, a bit of a surprise, an unexpected event or maybe even an accident of sorts. Something to give us a bit of a pause for thought or perhaps get us to finally make a decision that needs making.
Perhaps, we’re moving too fast and need to slow down our pace a little and enjoy our present moments much more than we are. Do we need to take a vacation or a few days off so we can recharge the batteries and get back to being ourselves?
My day was a bit surprising but not really at the same time. I met a business contact from my networking breakfast so we can learn a bit more about each other and the respective businesses we are trying to grow. This went well. Then I had my three month review and not that I was surprised by it but it was far more critical than I was expecting however I’m still employed with the company so I still have a chance to prove myself and succeed there and this is a good thing. My sales manager seldom has anything nice to say about anyone but some of his criticisms of my work I felt were far too heavy handed. But I’ve simply shrugged it off knowing that I know what I’m doing and that I’m good at based on feedback from previous employers and a co-worker or two.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
X The Wheel of Life
Monday, February 24, 2014
The 6 of Cups and a Day of Kindness
Monday, February 24, 2014. Another decent night of sleep even though I awoke quite a few times the last time being a few minutes before the alarm. Love this kind of sleep!
By awaking before the alarm even if by a few minutes allowed me to connect and commune with Spirit and Tarot earlier and without a need to rush it in order to get on with my work day.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Cups: Happy Birthday. Fond memories. A gift given in friendship or love.”
Today we need to focus on all the love, goodwill, peace and acts of kindness that take place all around the world and often go unnoticed because they are not newsworthy or simply because they occur and those involved are humble and not needing or wanting the attention. So let’s give thanks to all that good that goes on around us yet we never learn or get to know about as well as that takes place daily all around the world. And let’s also take it upon ourselves to go that extra mile or to simply be kind to our neighbours. Hold the door open, give a passing smile, shovel someone’s driveway, by someone a cup of coffee or even an entire meal. Let’s be kind to our spouses, our children, our family this day and every day after. Be a positive influence all around.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
By awaking before the alarm even if by a few minutes allowed me to connect and commune with Spirit and Tarot earlier and without a need to rush it in order to get on with my work day.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Cups: Happy Birthday. Fond memories. A gift given in friendship or love.”
Today we need to focus on all the love, goodwill, peace and acts of kindness that take place all around the world and often go unnoticed because they are not newsworthy or simply because they occur and those involved are humble and not needing or wanting the attention. So let’s give thanks to all that good that goes on around us yet we never learn or get to know about as well as that takes place daily all around the world. And let’s also take it upon ourselves to go that extra mile or to simply be kind to our neighbours. Hold the door open, give a passing smile, shovel someone’s driveway, by someone a cup of coffee or even an entire meal. Let’s be kind to our spouses, our children, our family this day and every day after. Be a positive influence all around.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
6 of Cups,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader
Sunday, February 23, 2014
The Guide of Cups and Seeing the World as a Holy Place
Sunday, February 23rd, 2014. Yesterday was another one of those odd kinds of days. I was feeling crappy with my cold. However, after I drank some tea we picked up the night before, “Cold 911” from David’s Tea I felt better even though I had to blow my nose what seemed like a hundred times or more and then it cleared up for a time and when I took my timely doses of the over the counter medication I found that works I was feeling almost 100 percent back to normal.
We were still a bit under the weather as the tiredness and aches and pains still haunted us but we had to get ready to go out into the snowy night and make our way to the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts to take in the symphony. But not before a quick bowl of Pho from Cafe Mai Mai on Granville. Wow, that sure hit the spot. And off to the symphony we go for a performance of “Classical Traditions”. We heard the Barber of Seville Overture by Rossini, Piano Concerto No. 27 in B-flat Major, K. 595 by Mozart, and Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op 68 Pastoral by Beethoven. And as always a wonderful performance by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and special guest, Orion Weiss on piano.
This morning I am welcomed to the day by the continuing snowfall that has been with us now for the last 24 hours, no real accumulation where we are but other areas are getting upwards of 20 centimetres or 8 inches. Spirit is strong and how much I love to commune with Spirit and reminder of that with today’ visiting Tarot Card, the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart. Altruism.”
This world, this earth we get to call home is a holy place for me. I feel connected to Gaia and the energy that she emanates and that is a part of us all. I feel connected to the world that exists beyond human sight, a world of energy and spirit that can only be accessed when we reach out beyond our normal senses but rather with our own energy and spirit.
Close our eyes and block out the noise of daily life and reach out into the world with that part of you that deep inside and sense the world for what she really is. Do this with family and friends too! Reach out to everyone with that part of us that is deep down within us all and connect beyond the sense of sight, sound, or touch—reach out with your energy, with your spirit and discover a whole new world.
Be loving and compassionate, be guided by Spirit. Close your eyes; disconnect a moment from the demands of life and meditate for a spell. Let Spirit connect with you and guide you through the world beyond our own and then come back to this one and see it with new eyes and enjoy the experiences life has to offer.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
We were still a bit under the weather as the tiredness and aches and pains still haunted us but we had to get ready to go out into the snowy night and make our way to the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts to take in the symphony. But not before a quick bowl of Pho from Cafe Mai Mai on Granville. Wow, that sure hit the spot. And off to the symphony we go for a performance of “Classical Traditions”. We heard the Barber of Seville Overture by Rossini, Piano Concerto No. 27 in B-flat Major, K. 595 by Mozart, and Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op 68 Pastoral by Beethoven. And as always a wonderful performance by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and special guest, Orion Weiss on piano.
This morning I am welcomed to the day by the continuing snowfall that has been with us now for the last 24 hours, no real accumulation where we are but other areas are getting upwards of 20 centimetres or 8 inches. Spirit is strong and how much I love to commune with Spirit and reminder of that with today’ visiting Tarot Card, the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart. Altruism.”
This world, this earth we get to call home is a holy place for me. I feel connected to Gaia and the energy that she emanates and that is a part of us all. I feel connected to the world that exists beyond human sight, a world of energy and spirit that can only be accessed when we reach out beyond our normal senses but rather with our own energy and spirit.
Close our eyes and block out the noise of daily life and reach out into the world with that part of you that deep inside and sense the world for what she really is. Do this with family and friends too! Reach out to everyone with that part of us that is deep down within us all and connect beyond the sense of sight, sound, or touch—reach out with your energy, with your spirit and discover a whole new world.
Be loving and compassionate, be guided by Spirit. Close your eyes; disconnect a moment from the demands of life and meditate for a spell. Let Spirit connect with you and guide you through the world beyond our own and then come back to this one and see it with new eyes and enjoy the experiences life has to offer.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Cafe Mai Mai,
Chan Centre for the Performing Arts,
Cold 911,
David's Tea,
Guide of Cups,
Orion Weiss,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Saturday, February 22, 2014
The Youth of Coins and Changing the World
Saturday, February 22nd, 2014. I finally slept in for a change. Most weekends I find myself awaking earlier than what I get up during the week to go to work. Thank goodness this morning is different. I got in a good solid eight hours of sleep and feel all the better for it.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the” Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical. Beginning a regimen. Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”
Exercising the mind, body and spirit are a great way to clear the mind, keep the body fit and healthy as well as have a strong and divinely attuned Spirit. All necessary to grow and flourish in life. In fact, this card is a reminder to celebrate the life we are living, of being alive on Earth at this time. We are reminded that despite what we hear and read in the news we can do our part to make this world a better place and that there is more worth celebrating than there is in mourning. Change happens with each of us and when we do our small part by living healthy lives every day we as a whole change the attitude and energy of all on this planet.
We lead by example. We smile and pay it forward. We do not judge nor condemn. We appreciate and celebrate all that is good as well as the accomplishment of others. We lift up those less fortunate than ourselves in whatever ways we can and through our spiritual endeavors we change this world for the better one second, one moment, one hour, one day at a time.
We must celebrate this life by keeping ourselves fit and healthy so we are a continual positive influence on ourselves and those around us so the energy we put forth brings about positive change in the world.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the” Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical. Beginning a regimen. Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”
Exercising the mind, body and spirit are a great way to clear the mind, keep the body fit and healthy as well as have a strong and divinely attuned Spirit. All necessary to grow and flourish in life. In fact, this card is a reminder to celebrate the life we are living, of being alive on Earth at this time. We are reminded that despite what we hear and read in the news we can do our part to make this world a better place and that there is more worth celebrating than there is in mourning. Change happens with each of us and when we do our small part by living healthy lives every day we as a whole change the attitude and energy of all on this planet.
We lead by example. We smile and pay it forward. We do not judge nor condemn. We appreciate and celebrate all that is good as well as the accomplishment of others. We lift up those less fortunate than ourselves in whatever ways we can and through our spiritual endeavors we change this world for the better one second, one moment, one hour, one day at a time.
We must celebrate this life by keeping ourselves fit and healthy so we are a continual positive influence on ourselves and those around us so the energy we put forth brings about positive change in the world.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Youth of Coins
Friday, February 21, 2014
The 3 of Wands and Workplace Doubts
Friday, February 21, 2014. I first awoke around 1:45am this morning and then dozed off and on until I snuck out of bed around 5:40am for my early Friday morning business networking breakfast. Surprisingly, I’m not tired and it’s pushing onto 9:00pm. I guess it’s because the day started off full of energy during breakfast and my induction into the group as a full member. I feel great and look forward to the year ahead as I learn all about it and my fellow members.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Swords: The Wreckage. Feeling heavy-hearted after an emotional storm. Feeling hurt or betrayed.”
I was wondering whereabouts the “3 of Wands” would come into play in my life and I think it has to do with my workplace. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy my work overall however there is an undercurrent of things that aren’t terribly wrong but give me a bit of pause. The company has been around for a number of years but seems to be in need of structure, organization and good leadership. It’s cruising along like a rudderless ship with no clear direction or purpose and this is quite the shame really as the company has a lot of potential that it is not living up to.
I’ll do what I can to inch it along as far as my position allows and hopefully this is enough to keep me happily employed there so I can show that my efforts are indeed helping the company grow as well as fulfilling my desires to become more of a nomad and live more of life on the road.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Swords: The Wreckage. Feeling heavy-hearted after an emotional storm. Feeling hurt or betrayed.”
I was wondering whereabouts the “3 of Wands” would come into play in my life and I think it has to do with my workplace. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy my work overall however there is an undercurrent of things that aren’t terribly wrong but give me a bit of pause. The company has been around for a number of years but seems to be in need of structure, organization and good leadership. It’s cruising along like a rudderless ship with no clear direction or purpose and this is quite the shame really as the company has a lot of potential that it is not living up to.
I’ll do what I can to inch it along as far as my position allows and hopefully this is enough to keep me happily employed there so I can show that my efforts are indeed helping the company grow as well as fulfilling my desires to become more of a nomad and live more of life on the road.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
3 of Wands,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Ace of Wands and Working Hard to Live My Dreams
Thursday, February 20th, 2014. Another great night of lengthy sleep even with awaking some time before the alarm. Even with working with Tarot and communing with Spirit fairly quickly this morning Spirit’s presence was very strong. Love it!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Wands: A creative inspiration. The beginning of a project or venture.”
I think is reflective of my new mindset where I’m genuinely trying to develop and build up business for the company I work for and in pursuing my dreams, goals, and desires. This is a positive and “about time” change I’m making. I need to work toward my desired freedom of living a nomadic lifestyle and in order to do this I need to work hard an employer and earn my keep so I earn the income I’m paid and earn enough to be able to pursue my dreams.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Wands: A creative inspiration. The beginning of a project or venture.”
I think is reflective of my new mindset where I’m genuinely trying to develop and build up business for the company I work for and in pursuing my dreams, goals, and desires. This is a positive and “about time” change I’m making. I need to work toward my desired freedom of living a nomadic lifestyle and in order to do this I need to work hard an employer and earn my keep so I earn the income I’m paid and earn enough to be able to pursue my dreams.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Ace of Wands,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The 6 of Wands and Standing Strong With Others to Change the World
Wednesday, February 19th, 2014. The night was a long one as far as I was concerned. I had a hard time believing that did not sleep any longer than I did as it felt like I slept for ten or twelve hours but it was only about seven. I felt good having such a great night’s sleep.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Wands: The Parade. Appreciation for those who stand up for themselves. The courage of one’s convictions. Admiration, acclaim, pride.”
I like to see people with the courage to stand up for their rights but not when it comes at a price. However, I do my best to understand and appreciate their circumstances that lead them in a struggle that can ultimately lead to their death. So it is with this in mind that I encourage all of us to join hands and stand up for those risking their lives to stand up for their rights and freedoms and the democracy that we seem to so easily enjoy. And to go one step further let’s stand up for those who cannot for one reason or another stand up for themselves. Let’s rise up in Spirit, join our hands, and grow our strength in numbers to make this a better world who live in more difficult times than us.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Wands: The Parade. Appreciation for those who stand up for themselves. The courage of one’s convictions. Admiration, acclaim, pride.”
I like to see people with the courage to stand up for their rights but not when it comes at a price. However, I do my best to understand and appreciate their circumstances that lead them in a struggle that can ultimately lead to their death. So it is with this in mind that I encourage all of us to join hands and stand up for those risking their lives to stand up for their rights and freedoms and the democracy that we seem to so easily enjoy. And to go one step further let’s stand up for those who cannot for one reason or another stand up for themselves. Let’s rise up in Spirit, join our hands, and grow our strength in numbers to make this a better world who live in more difficult times than us.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
6 of Wands,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The Youth of Swords and Keeping Our Curiosity In Check
Tuesday, February 18, 2014. 3 months ago today I started a new job. Technically, this ends my three month probationary period however the company was closed for about eight days around Christmas and New Years so maybe I still have another week to go. I’ll ask about this tomorrow.
I slept better last night but was having a dream about missing the alarm and not awaking until 8:35am, five minutes after the work day starts. In the dream I arrive late at work and blame it on the phone but it would not have been the phone as I realized at 6:20am that I left the phone out in the living room. The reason behind my dream realized!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
Curiosity and research are good things but need to be kept in check so we are not invading anyone’s privacy or taking the information we gather and using it for ill gain or to spread gossip about another. We need to be respectful of the information, where it came from, and how we use it. I also believe that we need to keep to our highest ideals and keep Spirit ever present in our minds and in our lives so we do not abuse our access to information or discoveries that we make about anyone or anything.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
I slept better last night but was having a dream about missing the alarm and not awaking until 8:35am, five minutes after the work day starts. In the dream I arrive late at work and blame it on the phone but it would not have been the phone as I realized at 6:20am that I left the phone out in the living room. The reason behind my dream realized!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
Curiosity and research are good things but need to be kept in check so we are not invading anyone’s privacy or taking the information we gather and using it for ill gain or to spread gossip about another. We need to be respectful of the information, where it came from, and how we use it. I also believe that we need to keep to our highest ideals and keep Spirit ever present in our minds and in our lives so we do not abuse our access to information or discoveries that we make about anyone or anything.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Youth of Swords
Monday, February 17, 2014
The 5 of Wands and Taking Up the Challenge
Monday, February 17th, 2014. Well I had a somewhat sleepless night. I awoke quite often and the last time was just before 5:00am and then I simply tried to stay in bed until the alarm sound at 6:30 which I did. I think the over the counter head cold medication was keeping me awake or perhaps it simply was my cold or a night of insomnia. But I did not feel tired at all while spending the day at work.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game. The project meets resistance. Testing one’s ideas against others. An enjoyable struggle. Competition in the marketplace.”
So this is card that reminds me to be aware that attitudes and minds may still be resisting the idea of doing things in a new way including my own. Maybe I’m also resistant to change and doing things the hard way so I’m simply looking for the easy way out. However, I doubt that as many others think the way I do so I must be on the right track and on many different fronts at that. I just need to step up my game and get myself into the mindset that I’ll be pretty on my own in some areas and will have to do my best to reach out to as many people as I can through whatever means I can to be an active participant in all that I do.
Be aware and on the lookout for resistance, be flexible and adaptable in your approach and game plan and be sure that you believe in yourself and what you represent or are trying to do one hundred percent or you may struggle to stay in the game.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game. The project meets resistance. Testing one’s ideas against others. An enjoyable struggle. Competition in the marketplace.”
So this is card that reminds me to be aware that attitudes and minds may still be resisting the idea of doing things in a new way including my own. Maybe I’m also resistant to change and doing things the hard way so I’m simply looking for the easy way out. However, I doubt that as many others think the way I do so I must be on the right track and on many different fronts at that. I just need to step up my game and get myself into the mindset that I’ll be pretty on my own in some areas and will have to do my best to reach out to as many people as I can through whatever means I can to be an active participant in all that I do.
Be aware and on the lookout for resistance, be flexible and adaptable in your approach and game plan and be sure that you believe in yourself and what you represent or are trying to do one hundred percent or you may struggle to stay in the game.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
5 of Wands,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal
Sunday, February 16, 2014
10 of Cups and Bring Joy and Harmony Into Our Lives
Sunday, February 16, 2014. Sunday morning…one of my favourite days and times of the week. I love the lazy days of the weekend and especially enjoy the early morning hours of each and every day. Mornings are a great time to connect with one’s self and Spirit…to commune with and meditate when the mind is barely conscious and the veil between the subconscious and conscious mind is still partially open and the secret world of our subconscious mind is visible to us if only briefly.
Clarity of thought and connection with Spirit and energy are strong and visible to us through our awaking minds, eyes and conscious energy. I connect with this energy as I make my from bedroom and into the rest of the condo, where I bid a good morning to the houseplants and my Tarot Cards as I go about the waking process as the new day welcomes me to another day of living and enjoying the life I’ve been given.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal. Your secret dreams. Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”
Deep and natural joy and harmony should be and often is a natural part of life. However, the challenges and trials of life often zap this from our lives. So we must do our best to transcend the challenges of life and tap into these natural emotions and feelings that are deeply rooted in our spiritual and physical bodies. Take a moment and step back from life, disconnect from the world for a moment and rediscover this deep rooted joy and harmony that come from living a healthy and balanced lifestyle where inner and outer peace fill us up and spread out into our surroundings where it lifts others up out of the quagmire of life we so often find ourselves in. Spread joy and peace through a smile, a kind word, a caring gesture… the love, joy, peace, and harmony you wish to see in the world.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Clarity of thought and connection with Spirit and energy are strong and visible to us through our awaking minds, eyes and conscious energy. I connect with this energy as I make my from bedroom and into the rest of the condo, where I bid a good morning to the houseplants and my Tarot Cards as I go about the waking process as the new day welcomes me to another day of living and enjoying the life I’ve been given.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal. Your secret dreams. Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”
Deep and natural joy and harmony should be and often is a natural part of life. However, the challenges and trials of life often zap this from our lives. So we must do our best to transcend the challenges of life and tap into these natural emotions and feelings that are deeply rooted in our spiritual and physical bodies. Take a moment and step back from life, disconnect from the world for a moment and rediscover this deep rooted joy and harmony that come from living a healthy and balanced lifestyle where inner and outer peace fill us up and spread out into our surroundings where it lifts others up out of the quagmire of life we so often find ourselves in. Spread joy and peace through a smile, a kind word, a caring gesture… the love, joy, peace, and harmony you wish to see in the world.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
10 of Cups,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader
Saturday, February 15, 2014
XV Self-Hatred and Overcoming the Past, Living in the Present, and Walking into the Future
Saturday, February 15th, 2014. Aaahhh…how nice it was to sleep in a little today. A surprise dinner out at a great local Italian restaurant (Salvatore's La Spaghetteria in New Westminster) that was abuzz of chaotic energy when we walked in and eventually settled down to a calm and almost peaceful energy made for a fantastic evening of remembering why we companions, friends, and so much in love.
A short walk home to relax and digest the meal we had was the remainder of our evening before turning into bed.
Quite often over the past week or two I’ve had the experience that I’ve been in my RV, almost as if I was living in my RV on a full time basis. Every once in a while I catch myself where for just a split second I’m standing or sitting in my RV. My bed is made; I’m preparing a meal for myself or working on one project or another. All this experience in what seems like the blink of an eye.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities. Unconsciously accepting societal norms. Low self-esteem.”
Last night I accepted the errors I’ve made in life, the wrongs I’ve committed, and the bad situations I’ve created for myself and perhaps am still dealing with. Along with this reflection I’ve accepted these truths as real and wrong and of my own doing; accepted responsibility for them and being accountable for them and now I’m moving on. I’ve dispersed this black negative energy to the cosmos to be cleansed and purified as I wash myself with the purity and love of the energy that is all around me, that flows through every atom of my being; that is and always will remain a part of me.
I focus on the highest ideal of myself, of who I want to be, of who I am and do not look back. I move on having transcended my missteps with a renewed focus on my goals, dreams, and desires. I’m still young enough to achieve them quite realistically I’ve already them in a sense by overcoming my past, by living in the present and following the map and directions to where I want to be in life.
Thank you Spirit.
Blessed Be.
A short walk home to relax and digest the meal we had was the remainder of our evening before turning into bed.
Quite often over the past week or two I’ve had the experience that I’ve been in my RV, almost as if I was living in my RV on a full time basis. Every once in a while I catch myself where for just a split second I’m standing or sitting in my RV. My bed is made; I’m preparing a meal for myself or working on one project or another. All this experience in what seems like the blink of an eye.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities. Unconsciously accepting societal norms. Low self-esteem.”
Last night I accepted the errors I’ve made in life, the wrongs I’ve committed, and the bad situations I’ve created for myself and perhaps am still dealing with. Along with this reflection I’ve accepted these truths as real and wrong and of my own doing; accepted responsibility for them and being accountable for them and now I’m moving on. I’ve dispersed this black negative energy to the cosmos to be cleansed and purified as I wash myself with the purity and love of the energy that is all around me, that flows through every atom of my being; that is and always will remain a part of me.
I focus on the highest ideal of myself, of who I want to be, of who I am and do not look back. I move on having transcended my missteps with a renewed focus on my goals, dreams, and desires. I’m still young enough to achieve them quite realistically I’ve already them in a sense by overcoming my past, by living in the present and following the map and directions to where I want to be in life.
Thank you Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
New Westminster,
Salvatore's La Spaghetteria,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
XV Self-Hatred
Friday, February 14, 2014
Youth of Coins and Living A Healthy and Well Balanced Lifestyle
Friday, February 14, 2014. Happy Valentine’s Day!
May everyone experience a little bit of friendship and love today and may we all be smiling with our hearts today.
I awoke for my early morning breakfast and network meeting and had a decent day afterward. The breakfast meeting was as always uplifting and energizing for mind and spirit. Each and every member at the meeting which I hope to be one has a sincere and genuine interest in creating business for one another and they do a fantastic job of it. They make it almost seem effortless in how they support one another and create nice flow of money into each others pockets. A great way to end the week and start the weekend!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit I and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical. Beginning a regimen. Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”
The “Youth of Coins” is a great reminder for us to create and/or maintain and great and healthy mind, body and spiritual connection. All three are interlinked and influence one another in many different ways. Doing our part in exercising all three and providing each with the attention and nutrition they desire whether it is food, meditation, or exercise is paramount in living a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.
Very few of us are likely able to offer up legitimate excuses as to why we cannot maintain such a healthy balance in our lives so let’s get out there and exercise our minds, bodies, and spirits and make a healthy impact on not only ourselves but friends and family alike.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
May everyone experience a little bit of friendship and love today and may we all be smiling with our hearts today.
I awoke for my early morning breakfast and network meeting and had a decent day afterward. The breakfast meeting was as always uplifting and energizing for mind and spirit. Each and every member at the meeting which I hope to be one has a sincere and genuine interest in creating business for one another and they do a fantastic job of it. They make it almost seem effortless in how they support one another and create nice flow of money into each others pockets. A great way to end the week and start the weekend!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit I and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical. Beginning a regimen. Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”
The “Youth of Coins” is a great reminder for us to create and/or maintain and great and healthy mind, body and spiritual connection. All three are interlinked and influence one another in many different ways. Doing our part in exercising all three and providing each with the attention and nutrition they desire whether it is food, meditation, or exercise is paramount in living a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.
Very few of us are likely able to offer up legitimate excuses as to why we cannot maintain such a healthy balance in our lives so let’s get out there and exercise our minds, bodies, and spirits and make a healthy impact on not only ourselves but friends and family alike.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
Youth of Coins
Thursday, February 13, 2014
4 of Coins and Willing to Give Up Control for Change
Thursday, February 13th, 2014. So I was awake well before the alarm or so I think and as I try to do I did my mental spiritual preparation and fell asleep doing it and picking it up upon awaking. I awoke quite a few times throughout the night and was expecting a long tough sleepy day but to my surprise I was not tired but the day still seemed longer than normal. Maybe it was all my electronic paperwork I was doing all day!
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director. A position of power. Wanting to control how others perceive things.”
Exerting excessive control over one’s life is not healthy so the best option is to exercise moderate control and a good degree of flexibility in our lives. We need to be spiritually strong and alert so as to know when control is needed and when change has to occur.
I may need to adopt some change or even many changes in my life to keep myself moving toward my dreams, goals, and desires before my chances are slim and next to none in realizing any of them. I need to perhaps be bold and daring and throw chance to the wind, take a huge risk and go for it. Go for what exactly? Be all that I wish to be, is what. A writer, a ventriloquist, a Spiritualist (Tarot and Wicca, Mystical Research) and a nomad traveling at a snail’s pace across this great land in my tiny, old RV. I’m giving myself two years or less to become debt free and then I’m out the door and on my way!
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director. A position of power. Wanting to control how others perceive things.”
Exerting excessive control over one’s life is not healthy so the best option is to exercise moderate control and a good degree of flexibility in our lives. We need to be spiritually strong and alert so as to know when control is needed and when change has to occur.
I may need to adopt some change or even many changes in my life to keep myself moving toward my dreams, goals, and desires before my chances are slim and next to none in realizing any of them. I need to perhaps be bold and daring and throw chance to the wind, take a huge risk and go for it. Go for what exactly? Be all that I wish to be, is what. A writer, a ventriloquist, a Spiritualist (Tarot and Wicca, Mystical Research) and a nomad traveling at a snail’s pace across this great land in my tiny, old RV. I’m giving myself two years or less to become debt free and then I’m out the door and on my way!
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
4 of Coins,
Blessed Be,
Mystical Research,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Journal,
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
VII The Chariot and Taking Control
Wednesday, February 12, 2014. I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning but the work day was calling so out of bed I crawled and on into my day. I did awake before the alarm and dozed a little before falling back to sleep and as I did this I thought of Spirit and Tarot as I try to do each and time I awake during the night. This is my preparation for working with the cards after I get out of bed.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs. At the top of one's game. Seizing an opportunity. Having everything under control (barely).”
Control, what control? I need to focus on my goals and grab control of my life and my decisions. My decisions should be based on what is in my best interests without the sacrifice of somebody else’s. I need to seize the opportunities before me and make the best of them so I can live life my way and have more high times than low times. In control but flexible enough to adjust where need be if someone runs amiss. My life is my own and I control it.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs. At the top of one's game. Seizing an opportunity. Having everything under control (barely).”
Control, what control? I need to focus on my goals and grab control of my life and my decisions. My decisions should be based on what is in my best interests without the sacrifice of somebody else’s. I need to seize the opportunities before me and make the best of them so I can live life my way and have more high times than low times. In control but flexible enough to adjust where need be if someone runs amiss. My life is my own and I control it.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader,
VII The Chariot
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
7 of Cups and Acting Not Thinking
Tuesday, February 11, 2014. My cold has gotten the better of me and I feel very lousy this evening. It simply got worse as the day wore on and I was struggling to keep myself focused on the job and from falling asleep. Hope I get over this quickly. I very much dislike having a cold or seeing someone else with one. But I’m a live and able to get around and have plenty of access to all kinds of remedies so I’ll be just fine.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “7 of Cups: The Bookstore. Choosing between different approaches. Contemplating choices when you should be acting.”
I need to act not think. I need to be the driver of my own life and move it forward in the direction I want it to go. I’m doing my best to do that but still have a lot of work to do to get to where I want to be going.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “7 of Cups: The Bookstore. Choosing between different approaches. Contemplating choices when you should be acting.”
I need to act not think. I need to be the driver of my own life and move it forward in the direction I want it to go. I’m doing my best to do that but still have a lot of work to do to get to where I want to be going.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
7 of Cups,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant
Monday, February 10, 2014
"III The Protector" and Experiencing The Principle of Life
Monday, February 10th, 2014. So I awoke yesterday with the symptoms of a cold coming on and today I awoke with sinus congestion and a bit of a cough. I guess I’ll be feeling like this for a several days maybe even a week but I’ll get over it with plenty of rest, hot tea and plenty of hydration all around. I slept or dozed is more like it a little later than usual so my free alone time this morning was cut short as my partner awoke earlier than usual. No worries though.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “III The Protector: Nurturing others is good practice for nurturing oneself. Parental instincts. Maintaining a home or a positive environment. Bringing a project to fruition.
This card is about connecting to the very principle of life, of feet being firmly planted in the earth and embracing the very spirit of the cosmos that is in and a part of all of us. We can enjoy much in life through the generous spirit of sharing and giving to others. When we embrace the concern and well-being of others as if they are a part of us we receive the greatest gift that life has to offer—love and appreciation, a sense of belonging, a sense of being, of being connected with something greater and more powerful than ourselves-and this is the gift of and is Spirit!
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “III The Protector: Nurturing others is good practice for nurturing oneself. Parental instincts. Maintaining a home or a positive environment. Bringing a project to fruition.
This card is about connecting to the very principle of life, of feet being firmly planted in the earth and embracing the very spirit of the cosmos that is in and a part of all of us. We can enjoy much in life through the generous spirit of sharing and giving to others. When we embrace the concern and well-being of others as if they are a part of us we receive the greatest gift that life has to offer—love and appreciation, a sense of belonging, a sense of being, of being connected with something greater and more powerful than ourselves-and this is the gift of and is Spirit!
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
III The Protector,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader
Sunday, February 9, 2014
The Ace of Cups and Love is the Focus of the Day
Sunday, February 9, 2014. An out of the house kind of day where for several hours we accomplished a few things but had to postpone another errand due to a lack of time because I decided we should walk the many blocks from one store to another rather than drive along the gridlocked No. 3 Road in Richmond. Driving would likely have been quicker but I enjoyed the walk much more. Then we came home, relaxed, and did a whole heck of a lot of nothing. Not really as I made notes on how to progress with a certain hobby as well as put a few minutes toward another. My sort of weekend. No real plans or agendas just plain and simple being.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love. The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.”
This day is all about “LOVE”. Emotional awareness, direct knowing, intuition, trusting one’s heart and feelings and being open and receptive to offers, gifts, and synchronistic events. This is the kind of day where you can close your eyes and let your mind wander and let yourself be surprised by a word, phrase, or an idea that pops and stands out from the rest. Or where you wander aimlessly around your neighbourhood, a park, or even the mall and be surprised by what comes your. Synchronicity at work.
The Moon is in Gemini today but will also be "void of course" come the afternoon so activities started around this time may have surprising outcomes. The Moon enters the sign of Cancer early Monday morning.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love. The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.”
This day is all about “LOVE”. Emotional awareness, direct knowing, intuition, trusting one’s heart and feelings and being open and receptive to offers, gifts, and synchronistic events. This is the kind of day where you can close your eyes and let your mind wander and let yourself be surprised by a word, phrase, or an idea that pops and stands out from the rest. Or where you wander aimlessly around your neighbourhood, a park, or even the mall and be surprised by what comes your. Synchronicity at work.
The Moon is in Gemini today but will also be "void of course" come the afternoon so activities started around this time may have surprising outcomes. The Moon enters the sign of Cancer early Monday morning.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Ace of Cups,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Tarot Reader
Saturday, February 8, 2014
The Youth of Swords and Sight through the Gift of Spirit
Saturday, February 8th, 2014. A cold sunny morning is our welcome into this beautiful day. I awoke, worked with Tarot and communed with Spirit before a quick workout at the gym. Breakfast is over and done with and the day is now a work in progress. A couple of errands and maybe an adventure or two is all that is planned for today. Nothing written in stone and nothing really planned other than a haircut so the day is pretty much an open book. I like my weekends like this but even better if there is nothing planned at all but life is life and we need to do things every now and then and this okay with me.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
This is, believe it or not the exact that I thought would appear today. He sure is making his present felt and known. Four appearances in the past ten days, a significant presence in such a short time. A lot of mental work to do in providing myself with direction in this life. I need to reach out with Spirit, spiritually so I can see, understand and appreciate the undercurrent of facts that I am not consciously aware of that are having an influence in and on my life at this time.
This I can comfortably say is related to my work life and my short to mid to long term personal goals and how they are all interconnected and linked to where I am in life as well as the people around me. I need to work toward my goals with balanced focus and intention so that I’m reasonable and realistic with my expectations and desires and the time frame I’ve now given myself to find independence and success of my own doing.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
This is, believe it or not the exact that I thought would appear today. He sure is making his present felt and known. Four appearances in the past ten days, a significant presence in such a short time. A lot of mental work to do in providing myself with direction in this life. I need to reach out with Spirit, spiritually so I can see, understand and appreciate the undercurrent of facts that I am not consciously aware of that are having an influence in and on my life at this time.
This I can comfortably say is related to my work life and my short to mid to long term personal goals and how they are all interconnected and linked to where I am in life as well as the people around me. I need to work toward my goals with balanced focus and intention so that I’m reasonable and realistic with my expectations and desires and the time frame I’ve now given myself to find independence and success of my own doing.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Youth of Swords
Friday, February 7, 2014
The Hanged Man and Living in and for Today
Friday, February 7th, 2014. Friday, a great day of the week for me not only because it’s the last day of the work week for me but also because of my early morning business to business networking breakfast where I get to meet and mingle with like minded individuals and grow the business at the same time. The people I work with are almost getting how this can be worthwhile but still have a way to go to before they fully understand the concept. But I’m making progress in changing their attitudes toward networking and referrals.
Thank You Spirit.
This morning when I work with Spirit and Tarot I noticed something happened today that also happened Wednesday and that could have very well happened yesterday and I didn’t notice. As I pulled out me deck of cards I noticed the card on the bottom of the deck and said to myself that “this is going to be today’s visiting Tarot Card” and sure enough after shuffling and cutting the deck this very same card came to light as I flipped over the top card of the deck. Wednesday and again today. I recall that this has also happened before.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XII The Hanged Man: Living in the moment. Being fully absorbed in the present. Non-attachment to goals. Seeing things from a new angle.”
Today is all about today and not wishing the future and so far this is how the day has progressed. Present moment awareness all around. Goals that are goals designed to be achieved in the future without anxiety or worry attached to them, how soon they may come to be or even how they will come to be—simply goals and a simple knowing that they will come to pass.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
This morning when I work with Spirit and Tarot I noticed something happened today that also happened Wednesday and that could have very well happened yesterday and I didn’t notice. As I pulled out me deck of cards I noticed the card on the bottom of the deck and said to myself that “this is going to be today’s visiting Tarot Card” and sure enough after shuffling and cutting the deck this very same card came to light as I flipped over the top card of the deck. Wednesday and again today. I recall that this has also happened before.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XII The Hanged Man: Living in the moment. Being fully absorbed in the present. Non-attachment to goals. Seeing things from a new angle.”
Today is all about today and not wishing the future and so far this is how the day has progressed. Present moment awareness all around. Goals that are goals designed to be achieved in the future without anxiety or worry attached to them, how soon they may come to be or even how they will come to be—simply goals and a simple knowing that they will come to pass.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
XII The Hanged Man
Thursday, February 6, 2014
The "4 of Wands" and Developing Ideas Into Plans and Goals
Thursday, February 6th, 2014. The end of the week is in sight and today was a decent day and another day of new ideas and possibilities. Spirit is definitely working overtime with me as these ideas are a good way for me to sell my wares and test whether or not there is a market for my cards and other goods I plan to get to work on. Starting tonight I will dabble in a craft that has been neglected for some time so I can back into the mode of working on things during the evening rather than engage in wishful thinking for half the night.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Wands: Setting the Stage. Opening night finally arrives. A venture has been established. Celebrating initial achievements.”
I’m setting the stage all right, setting the stage for self-employment success and financial freedom. Setting myself up to be my own boss and pay my own way. But all in due time, no need to rush into it as I need to do for now is simply get the ball rolling. I’ll get back into making crafts and take baby steps until I get it right. Baby steps that will see my stuff go online!
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Wands: Setting the Stage. Opening night finally arrives. A venture has been established. Celebrating initial achievements.”
I’m setting the stage all right, setting the stage for self-employment success and financial freedom. Setting myself up to be my own boss and pay my own way. But all in due time, no need to rush into it as I need to do for now is simply get the ball rolling. I’ll get back into making crafts and take baby steps until I get it right. Baby steps that will see my stuff go online!
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
4 of Wands,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
The Guide of Swords and Be Truthful and Diplomatic
Wednesday, February 5th, 2014. Mid-week. It’s been somewhat of a lacklustre week at the job however personally I find myself growing spiritually and becoming more of a mature person. New ideas as well as twists on old ones came to mind today and this is a good thing since the Moon is in Taurus. Starting things off now have a very good chance of succeeding so start them I have. More to come on that later.
As it is, my RV as been in my dreams quite a bit these days and just last night or perhaps the night before learning Spanish was brought to my attention in a dream as well. And then these new ideas came to me over night and into today so what am I to do except to try them out and see where these ideas take me.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Swords: A wider perspective. Altruistic thoughts. Messages from the higher self.”
Truthfulness, honesty, forthrightness, straightforwardness, candidness but all without malice or causing harm to another. Today is about being principled and ethical in all that we do; a reminder that this should be a daily occurrence, a lifestyle, if you will. Diplomacy and political correctness also come into play as they should. We are human after all and have many a foible under our belts but we should do our best to learn and overcome our mistakes, misdeeds, and stumbles. Rise above and transcend so that we can see ourselves along with others objectively and with compassion.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
As it is, my RV as been in my dreams quite a bit these days and just last night or perhaps the night before learning Spanish was brought to my attention in a dream as well. And then these new ideas came to me over night and into today so what am I to do except to try them out and see where these ideas take me.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Swords: A wider perspective. Altruistic thoughts. Messages from the higher self.”
Truthfulness, honesty, forthrightness, straightforwardness, candidness but all without malice or causing harm to another. Today is about being principled and ethical in all that we do; a reminder that this should be a daily occurrence, a lifestyle, if you will. Diplomacy and political correctness also come into play as they should. We are human after all and have many a foible under our belts but we should do our best to learn and overcome our mistakes, misdeeds, and stumbles. Rise above and transcend so that we can see ourselves along with others objectively and with compassion.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Guide of Swords,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
The Youth of Swords and Having Principles
Tuesday, February 4th, 2014. A beautiful sunny morning welcomed us into the day. Cold though it was however wonderful to see the blazing sun shining in the sky. What a welcome and most wonderful sight to behold.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
Today is about observing and perceiving. A day where reason rules over rash and rushed decisions, where honesty and principles should be held high. I need to work smart, hard, and be principled when I do so. I must not allow myself to cut corners or say or do anything to get a sale or in attempt to get ahead. We must rise up to the highest ideal and do what we can to live, work, and play with the strength and courage of Spirit where love and joy roost and make us, our homes, and those around us better people.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
Today is about observing and perceiving. A day where reason rules over rash and rushed decisions, where honesty and principles should be held high. I need to work smart, hard, and be principled when I do so. I must not allow myself to cut corners or say or do anything to get a sale or in attempt to get ahead. We must rise up to the highest ideal and do what we can to live, work, and play with the strength and courage of Spirit where love and joy roost and make us, our homes, and those around us better people.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
Youth of Swords
Monday, February 3, 2014
The Man of Coins and Developig a Good Work Ethic
Monday, February 3, 2014. Not a bad start to the work week and a bit of an eye opening or maybe simply a thought provoking day. Some people’s behaviours I work with are not the most flattering type of people to have in the workplace and in fact gave me pause for thought. Pause, as to whether or not I wish to continue working in such an environment. It’s the way it’s been for quite a while so I somehow doubt there is a chance that it will change. Maybe this thought is not new and is what is causing me to awake early and lose an hour or so of sleep.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Man of Coins: Responsible and hard-working. Reliable. Dependable.”
Working hard or hardly working. What is going on with my work habits? I’m not too sure. I have good days and bad days. I’m gung-ho one minute and depressed with my role the next. The job is not quite for me but something I can live and am quite eager to do. However, in the process of researching new leads and what not I’ve discovered other possibilities that fit my personality and abilities more than my current situation does. I’ll give it a year as has been advised and then go from there. I cautiously optimistic that I’ll make it through my three month probation period so the job is mine and secure for the time being.
I need to work hard and get more into the role of salesperson and appointment setter and get this company I work growing in a more positive direction. Get that energy I have for other things and put it into this job, make it my own and make it work for everyone.
Thank you Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Man of Coins: Responsible and hard-working. Reliable. Dependable.”
Working hard or hardly working. What is going on with my work habits? I’m not too sure. I have good days and bad days. I’m gung-ho one minute and depressed with my role the next. The job is not quite for me but something I can live and am quite eager to do. However, in the process of researching new leads and what not I’ve discovered other possibilities that fit my personality and abilities more than my current situation does. I’ll give it a year as has been advised and then go from there. I cautiously optimistic that I’ll make it through my three month probation period so the job is mine and secure for the time being.
I need to work hard and get more into the role of salesperson and appointment setter and get this company I work growing in a more positive direction. Get that energy I have for other things and put it into this job, make it my own and make it work for everyone.
Thank you Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be,
Man of Coins,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal
Sunday, February 2, 2014
The Youth of Swords and Seeking Growth Through Challenges
Sunday, February 2, 2014. Blessed Imbolc. Happy Groundhog Day. Let’s embrace this day and welcome the rebirth of the young god, the Lord of the Blazing Sun of the beautiful and radiant goddess, Lady of the Silvery Moon.
Will winter begin to wane or hold on and keep us in its grip and until the first days of spring? The days are growing lighter and brighter but the coldness of winter is still hanging on, slow to withdraw this year.
Thank You Spirit.
We enjoyed a day out in downtown Vancouver, eventually meeting up with some friends for lunch at “The Mexican, Antojitos y Cantina” at 1050 Granville Street. Great food and service. We walked around for a bit with our friends before taking our leave and heading home. We relaxed and did a whole lot of nothing on a Saturday night, it was great. I love having a lazy weekend where nothing is planned or really happening. This is especially true when I awake early and have an hour or to myself in the mornings so I can spend quality time with Spirit and Tarot through quietness, solitude, and meditation.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
Challenges are usually most unwelcome in our lives but today is different. If we run across a challenge or dilemma lets embrace it with/in the spirit of learning and growth. Open our minds with curiosity and an openness to discover something new maybe even a little bit of self-discovery.
I’ve learned a few things over the last two and a half months—the stubbornness and closed mindedness of my sales manager has elicited a desire in me to drive the company in a different direction where our pursuit of growth is not one of 80/20 where 100 cold calls result in 20 possibilities but one of developing relationships with existing customers/clients and earning referrals from them as well as getting involved in networking groups where like minded people refer business to one another. I’m not satisfied with throwing away 80 percent of the people I call because my call is unwelcome and intrusive. I’d like to build business through positive interactions and referrals.
Spiritually this has helped me embrace challenges and learning, of thinking outside the box, of giving new thought to my dreams, desires, and goals. Have I discarded them? Not at all. In fact, I’ve embraced them even more but in a way where I pursue them not all at once but one at a time where I devote the time and attention to each of them that they deserve.
So don’t shy away from a challenge or dilemma, instead embrace it and see if it offers a way for you to learn, grow, or even strengthen you in ways you never thought possible.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Will winter begin to wane or hold on and keep us in its grip and until the first days of spring? The days are growing lighter and brighter but the coldness of winter is still hanging on, slow to withdraw this year.
Thank You Spirit.
We enjoyed a day out in downtown Vancouver, eventually meeting up with some friends for lunch at “The Mexican, Antojitos y Cantina” at 1050 Granville Street. Great food and service. We walked around for a bit with our friends before taking our leave and heading home. We relaxed and did a whole lot of nothing on a Saturday night, it was great. I love having a lazy weekend where nothing is planned or really happening. This is especially true when I awake early and have an hour or to myself in the mornings so I can spend quality time with Spirit and Tarot through quietness, solitude, and meditation.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “Youth of Swords: Curiosity. Research. Computers, e-mail. Immature communication. Spying (or "hacking").”
Challenges are usually most unwelcome in our lives but today is different. If we run across a challenge or dilemma lets embrace it with/in the spirit of learning and growth. Open our minds with curiosity and an openness to discover something new maybe even a little bit of self-discovery.
I’ve learned a few things over the last two and a half months—the stubbornness and closed mindedness of my sales manager has elicited a desire in me to drive the company in a different direction where our pursuit of growth is not one of 80/20 where 100 cold calls result in 20 possibilities but one of developing relationships with existing customers/clients and earning referrals from them as well as getting involved in networking groups where like minded people refer business to one another. I’m not satisfied with throwing away 80 percent of the people I call because my call is unwelcome and intrusive. I’d like to build business through positive interactions and referrals.
Spiritually this has helped me embrace challenges and learning, of thinking outside the box, of giving new thought to my dreams, desires, and goals. Have I discarded them? Not at all. In fact, I’ve embraced them even more but in a way where I pursue them not all at once but one at a time where I devote the time and attention to each of them that they deserve.
So don’t shy away from a challenge or dilemma, instead embrace it and see if it offers a way for you to learn, grow, or even strengthen you in ways you never thought possible.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
Antojitos y Cantina,
Blessed Be,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal,
The Mexican,
Youth of Swords
Saturday, February 1, 2014
The 9 of Coins and Celebrating Achievment
Saturday, February 1st, 2014. Happy 1st day of the second month of the year. February is here and Groundhog Day or Imbolc is tomorrow.
As I awoke and began my weekend morning ritual of working with Spirit and Tarot and communing with them my thoughts turned to discovery of a new kind of Spirit and spiritual practice that is now fifteen years in the making. I purchased many books, magazines, supplies, and Tarot Decks all great in helping to learn about a new way of thinking and spiritual living however the most important discoveries have come from silence and meditation.
Burning candles and incense, wearing and embracing a variety of spiritual pieces create an atmosphere, a space, and build up an energy like no other that helps one connect to our own spirit and energy as well as the energy that is always around us, the energy of the cosmos, of the goddess and god, of all that is alive on this great planet we get to call home, Gaia.
Connect and embrace this energy, allow it to fill you up so you can discover yourself, find your identity and true nature where you change almost without noticing it and then bring the same benefit to all things around you. Embrace life, embrace Spirit and let your own spirit soar.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Coins: Rewards. Enjoying the fruits of your labor. Well-deserved enjoyment.”
Control, discipline and refinement of…of my impulses is the order of the day. Some “sacrifice” may be in order to enjoy the finer things in life, that is the finer things in and for my life not necessarily that of others. And I’m learning to do just that these days. I’ve been led to this new job of mine in order for me to grow, mature, appreciate and understand the natural talents that I have is that in short order I can use these newly rediscovered talents and skills to pay my own way in life instead of work for someone else. This has been my goal all along and it’s not too late to discover and make these skills for someone else before I put them to work for me.
However, today is about enjoying the improvements and progress I have made this week in finding new avenues of improving and growing the business of my current employer. As I heard yesterday, “a lead is cold and a referral is sold”. I’m not satisfied in making cold calls where 80% percent or more of the calls I make go nowhere because the business does not take unsolicited calls and not that they do not have an interest in what I have to offer.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
As I awoke and began my weekend morning ritual of working with Spirit and Tarot and communing with them my thoughts turned to discovery of a new kind of Spirit and spiritual practice that is now fifteen years in the making. I purchased many books, magazines, supplies, and Tarot Decks all great in helping to learn about a new way of thinking and spiritual living however the most important discoveries have come from silence and meditation.
Burning candles and incense, wearing and embracing a variety of spiritual pieces create an atmosphere, a space, and build up an energy like no other that helps one connect to our own spirit and energy as well as the energy that is always around us, the energy of the cosmos, of the goddess and god, of all that is alive on this great planet we get to call home, Gaia.
Connect and embrace this energy, allow it to fill you up so you can discover yourself, find your identity and true nature where you change almost without noticing it and then bring the same benefit to all things around you. Embrace life, embrace Spirit and let your own spirit soar.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Coins: Rewards. Enjoying the fruits of your labor. Well-deserved enjoyment.”
Control, discipline and refinement of…of my impulses is the order of the day. Some “sacrifice” may be in order to enjoy the finer things in life, that is the finer things in and for my life not necessarily that of others. And I’m learning to do just that these days. I’ve been led to this new job of mine in order for me to grow, mature, appreciate and understand the natural talents that I have is that in short order I can use these newly rediscovered talents and skills to pay my own way in life instead of work for someone else. This has been my goal all along and it’s not too late to discover and make these skills for someone else before I put them to work for me.
However, today is about enjoying the improvements and progress I have made this week in finding new avenues of improving and growing the business of my current employer. As I heard yesterday, “a lead is cold and a referral is sold”. I’m not satisfied in making cold calls where 80% percent or more of the calls I make go nowhere because the business does not take unsolicited calls and not that they do not have an interest in what I have to offer.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
9 of Coins,
Blessed Be,
Spirit Is,
Tarot Card,
Tarot Card Consultant,
Tarot Card Journal,
Tarot Card of the Day,
Tarot Card Reader,
Tarot Consultant,
Tarot Journal
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