
Friday, February 7, 2014

The Hanged Man and Living in and for Today

Friday, February 7th, 2014.  Friday, a great day of the week for me not only because it’s the last day of the work week for me but also because of my early morning business to business networking breakfast where I get to meet and mingle with like minded individuals and grow the business at the same time.  The people I work with are almost getting how this can be worthwhile but still have a way to go to before they fully understand the concept.  But I’m making progress in changing their attitudes toward networking and referrals.

Thank You Spirit.

This morning when I work with Spirit and Tarot I noticed something happened today that also happened Wednesday and that could have very well happened yesterday and I didn’t notice.  As I pulled out me deck of cards I noticed the card on the bottom of the deck and said to myself that “this is going to be today’s visiting Tarot Card” and sure enough after shuffling and cutting the deck this very same card came to light as I flipped over the top card of the deck.  Wednesday and again today.  I recall that this has also happened before.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XII The Hanged Man: Living in the moment.  Being fully absorbed in the present.  Non-attachment to goals.  Seeing things from a new angle.”

Today is all about today and not wishing the future and so far this is how the day has progressed.  Present moment awareness all around.  Goals that are goals designed to be achieved in the future without anxiety or worry attached to them, how soon they may come to be or even how they will come to be—simply goals and a simple knowing that they will come to pass.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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