
Monday, November 11, 2013

XI Strength and Transcendance

Let us remember the fallen this day for are the reason for the freedoms we have today.  Blessed Be.

This has been a weekend of fun social activities for us.  Spirit is strong and present in all that we do and experience and helps to keep the waters calm, the energy light, happy, and loving.

We enjoyed a great performance by the New Westminster Symphony Orchestra yesterday afternoon, our friend invited us as he has joined the orchestra, as part of the French horn ensemble.  Then our dinner with him and other friends was a great success as was our dinner on Friday.

No more large dinner groups for us this year, that we host anyway but maybe a couple of dinners with a friend or two are left for the remainder of the year.

Spirit as I said is everywhere and yesterday at the Massey Theatre was no different.  I sensed Spirit and was trying very hard to see something while the orchestra played but nothing came into my visual field until I simply relaxed and enjoyed the music and then Spirit showed presence.  Wonderful!

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

This is a very nice card and a reminder for me to transcend my difficulties through love and compassion, acceptance and forgiveness, perseverance, courage, and resolve.  A reminder that strength comes not from anger or violence but rather diplomacy, stillness and calm.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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