
Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Mayan Day of the Dead, "II The Intuitive" and Letting the Hidden Emerge

Today is the Mayan Day of the Dead or better yet "Los Dias de los Muertos"  a day to remember family, friends, and ancestors.

Yesterday, I did not do what I planned on doing but the day was a success all the same.  By awaking in the morning with a focus on Spirit my day always starts off on the right track.  Yes, the odd time life throws me a curve ball but I simply do my best to deal with whatever is thrown my way that may cause a bump or two in my life.

I find now that many of my activities have become very spiritual.  Whether it’s going to the gym, working on my handcrafted cards, or thinking about model trains, spirit is with me all the way.  At one time I was insensitive to this presence in my life even up to a few days ago.  Today, I have a new sense and appreciation for Spirit and energy that surrounds us all each and every day.  Spirit always is and always will be for this is who we are—Spirit and energy.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “II The Intuitive: To be true to oneself, one must know oneself.  Looking within for answers.  Meditation. Intuition.  Exploring that which is normally hidden.”

“Be still and know that I am God”.  Learning the Tarot, Page 117, Joan Bunning, Weiser, 1998

This is a good time for me to let my hidden talents come to the surface and be known to the world.  This is a time for me to sit back, be still and let what is hidden, blossom and flower take me and life to new heights and new possibilities.  This is the time to simply “be”.  Thoughts and ideas idea’s are swirling about me and it is time to let them go and become something.  Release my grip and let them emerge from within and take root in life, grow stronger, mature and release their potential.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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