
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

6 of Wands and Taking the Smart Approach

I awoke early and did my quick meditation and communing with Spirit this morning before getting on with my day.  We ate breakfast then I did my usual morning routine before heading off to work.  Traffic this week is worse than last week but I’m still arriving about twenty minutes early and this is a good thing.

My work day was slow however fulfilling and satisfying in many ways.  I’m learning about the company I’m working for, about good sales techniques, and that I am good at working the telephone if I do it my own way and without interference.  I can only I’ll be better as I combine the many different approaches I’ve read about over the past several days.  Attitude is half the battle and thanks to Spirit’s intervention my attitude has changed drastically for the better.

Additionally, I’m still eager to get into my RV but have let the desire take a backseat for now as I want to approach moving into my RV in a different way.  And my crafts are best left being somewhat of a hobby and a business as it happens, I’ll not force it into being that.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Wands: The Parade.  Appreciation for those who stand up for themselves.  The courage of one’s convictions.  Admiration, acclaim, pride.”

I believe in myself and my abilities.  I believe in my principles, morals, and ethics.  I believe in my convictions and do not need to defend them to anybody.  I will not engage in battle over them and will simply walk away.

I believe in working smarter not harder.  Working smart can include hard work but I want to do things the smart, logical, and sensible way so I’m never feeling like I’m simply banging my head against the wall.  This is how I am approaching my new job.

I’m trying to learn through research and a slow methodical approach to set myself up for success instead of rushing myself toward failure.  Taking one’s time to become educated should not be seen as laziness of not doing the job.  It should be seen as a good approach to making the job work for everyone.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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