
Saturday, November 16, 2013

The 4 of Wands and Applying Myself For a Change

Reality is setting in.  My last days of not working at a job for now are behind me.  Come Monday, I start a new job and if I play my cards right, a temporary new job as I work and strive for my freedom from the chains of working for someone else.  I had the chance but wasted much of my time not applying myself to attain freedom from this.  Fixing up my RV was a good idea but I had to tie it in with building up my talents and abilities to become truly self-employed where I can support myself from my self-employment endeavors.

I’m not giving up and if I play my cards right and apply myself every evening and each weekend I will have many handcrafted cards made and ready to sell.  In addition, I should also have a website and that inventory of cards displayed on the gallery page of my website.

I should also practice and put videos of my ventriloquism skills as well as my other creative hobbies and talents.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Wands: Setting the Stage.  Opening night finally arrives.  A venture has been established.  Celebrating initial achievements.”

This is where I’m taking this new job of my mine as a stepping stone to the freedom I desire.  I will apply myself at this job and learn as much as I can about the auction industry and sales so that my tenure is secure and my income grows so I can get rid of my debts and grow my bank accounts to a point where I’m comfortable enough to resign and make my own way in life selling cards and performing ventriloquism. 

How about I give it a solid try for one year?  Apply myself and grow in the job as well as the application of my creative talents at home working on my cards and ventriloquism, and what not before deciding to give up the job in order to live the freedom lifestyle I most desire.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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