
Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Guide of Coins and the Gift of Nature

I awoke early enough to get breakfast, make lunch, work with Tarot and write this.  We had a quiet evening last night.  Dinner was wonderful and the pumpkin pie ice cream we forgot in the freezer for some time was delicious.  We watched a bit of telly before letting sleep overtake us and off to bed it was.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.”

Yes, the simple things in life are what I enjoy most.  Walking to work these past few weeks has been a wonderful spiritual and uplifting experience for me.  As I walk along the street I take in all of the plant, bird, and animal life I see and allow to caress my heart and soul.  Birds serenading the day with their songs, squirrels packing their cheeks with food they will store for a rainy day, cats peering out the windows longing to be outside to chase after the birds and squirrels that will forever remain beyond their reach, dogs taking their owners for one their daily walks and bees buzzing about spreading pollen and collecting it and the nectar each flower brings to feed the hive and spread the gift of life, of nature to the plants within their reach.  Aaahhh, the beauty of nature unfolds before us each and every day we take the time to see and experience it.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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