
Sunday, May 26, 2013

XI Strength, the 10 of Cups and a Spirit Quest of Sorts

I’m feeling the need to go on a Spirit Quest of sorts.  On Friday while getting mobile and heading off to work the thought of going on a Spirit Quest filled my mind.  As immediate as this thought came to me, a place to go on this Spirit Quest quickly came to mind—the Emory Creek Campground located between Hope and Yale.  I’ve already discussed this at some length with my partner—the need to go out on my own and seek and spend time with Spirit.

This is somewhat re-enforced by the fact that I ended up in an antiquarian bookstore, MacLeod’s Books, as my partner was looking for and found a book on music composition and theory.  Since I was in a bookstore that was filled from floor to rafter with books from old to new I browsed the occult section.  Nothing really struck my fancy then a book suddenly popped out at me—
Meditations on the Tarot, A Journey into Christian Hermeticism.  (  So I walked out of the bookstore with book in hand.  And there I was last night at 10:41pm on a Saturday night typing away in between researching Hermeticism.

I feel quite a connection to these religious and occult teachings and like this description of Hermeticism:

Hermeticism, also called Hermetism,[1][2] comprises beliefs and practices whose purpose is the influencing of the world by means of contact with the heavenly forces.”

So we did a quick walk around downtown yesterday, pretty much following the same route and visiting the same places we usually go when on a trip into Vancouver and then came back home.  In addition to “Meditations on the Tarot”, ( I also picked up the newest issue of Circle magazine.  I’ve got a lot of reading to do and also a great need to get pen to paper and allow some words to flow across the pages.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Cards are “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.” and the “10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment.  Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”

When I look and meditate on these two cards together I understand that I must guard myself against wishful thinking by having a solid plan to follow as well as by directing my energies to income producing enterprises if I wish to live my “ideal” life.  I hesitate to say I have an “ideal” life in mind as I just wish to live life my way the best way that I can in today’s world.

So with my “free” time I will start putting some serious effort into developing a plan, a strategy for how I plan to live my life on the road.  I have talents and need to learn how to direct my energies into my talents so I can use them to earn my keep.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be

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