
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The "Guide of Coins" and Feeling Special about having an Ordinary, Mundane Day

Slept very well with just a few oddball thoughts coming and going throughout the night.  And really didn't want to awake this morning, was so very tempted to ignore the alarm and fall back to sleep but I didn't.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfilment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.”
The “Guide of Coins" is one of my favourite cards in this deck.  It really defines the way I feel.  Nature is not only my home, it's a part of who I am.  I feel connected, vibrant, alive and full of energy even with a swarm of mosquitoes wanting to draw every millilitre of blood from us during our Cougar Mountain Cedar Grove hike on Sunday.

But enough about me and today's Tarot Energy.  This is supposed to about you, yes, you!

Today's “Guide of Coins" is that specialness you're feeling today as you look out and spot a bird singing just for you, you're sure you're the only one hearing this special song.  Today's energy is about the smile that crossed your lips today as that rusty old sign caught your attention and the mundaneness of the scene that filled your eyes as you looked back up and got back to your walk, nothing noteworthy, just life simply being life...

...aahhh...that's the whole energy of today's “Guide of Coins", life simply being life...nothing extraordinary, nothing eventful, nothing to write in the diary but wait, yes there can write that you enjoyed being ordinary today, enjoyed the mundane day you had and that you'd like to experience it all over again!

What an experience!

Thank You Spirit!

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