
Saturday, June 17, 2017

"VII The Chariot", Our Wheels Finally Gripping the Road and Moving Us Forward

Being able to spend more time doing what I love is what the weekends bring to me at least for now.  As I'm on my way to being able to do what I love each and every day of the week.  A mind-shift has occurred within me and the day job I have will soon, very soon, be no more.

What do I love doing?  Meditating, simply being, contemplating, being totally immersed in Spirit and my spiritual self, being an active conscious conduit through which life can be created and co-created by me, being active in my co-operative consciousness with Spirit, where Spirit's thoughts are my thoughts and where my heart, mind, body and soul are in perfect harmony with all that is best for me.  (These words are not my own as I'm paraphrasing something I read from a book, magazine, or even an email containing the Mystical Insights of Dr. Leon Masters)

For example, this morning I spent time in front of my weekend altar set up on the dining room table giving thanks and being full of gratitude for the gift of life for yet another day.  On my altar are stones, crystals, crow statuary, a candle, incense and my many Tarot Decks.  The energy of one of the decks will rise above the others and this is the deck that will reveal today's Tarot Energy for us.

Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is "VII The Chariot: Signifies both a time period in which we have felt as though our wheels were spinning, getting us nowhere; and also that such a time period is nearing its end, and we are about to begin to see our energies released for growth and movement again. The timing was not right for our success, but now that time is coming."
Generally speaking, I consider myself a spiritualist as my spiritual life combines a variety of spiritual paths that I have brought together to create my own spiritual path, one that works for me yet I am open to all spiritual paths for they all lead to the same source.  And yes at times I feel like as I'm a lot of us have, that we're simply spinning our wheels and getting nowhere fast.  But change is coming and we are beginning to move toward our goals as our wheels are now gripping the road and moving us forward.  We are building up speed and momentum and will soon be on our way at a good clip, a comfortable speed that will allow us to see the road ahead clearly and change course or take a detour if we have to.

But let's take this forward movement for granted or think we can simply sit back and enjoy the ride.  We have to actively take part and continue this movement forward by taking the right and appropriate actions that continue to fire the motor that will keep us moving.  This is not the time to get lazy or take our focus off of our goals.  They are there ready to come to life as we want them to, it's up to us to make them happen.

Thank You Spirit.

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