
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

the "IX of Wands", Believing In Yourself, Defending Your Beliefs by Pursuing Them

Muddled dreams and muddled thoughts when I awoke a few times last night.  When I awoke this morning from another muddled dream I was immediately struck with the idea that this was all due to the Tarot of the Spirit Deck under my pillow.  But this was only a part of the reason why.  The real reason behind the muddled dreams and thoughts?  A lack of a real connection with Spirit.

Why do I say this?  Bad thoughts lead to anger and this shuts down our communication with Spirit.  Spirit doesn't stop this communication, we do!

Valuable lessons learned through the subconscious and a few dreams...I like it and truly appreciate that I'm aware of and open to such real learning from Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's Whimsical Tarot Energy is "IX of Wands.  Fight for and hold onto what you believe.  Your projects are near completion; relaxation is at hand.  Victory soon arrives.  Luck comes to children.  When reversed: Be prepared and aware of the ruler of the game.  Arrogance creates obstacles.  Rid yourself of self-pity and anxiety.  Tend to your health."
I believe in myself and the power of Spirit in our lives, in my life.  I'm more and more spiritually driven each day and really want to live a spiritually minded life.  I believe and know that offering Intuitive Tarot and Wedding Officiant services is the right thing for me to do.  I've even fine-tuned this especially around Intuitive Tarot as today upon surrounding myself with the energy of this "IX of Wands" the words Spiritual Coach and Spiritual Coaching came to mind so this will be added to my website and business card.

If your beliefs are spiritually driven and heartfelt they are as real and as valid as anyone else's.  Don't let people convince you otherwise.  Although it may be a struggle at times to hold onto what you believe, today,  you have to hold on to those very beliefs, your beliefs for all they're worth.  And dare I say, your beliefs are invaluable today.  Don't let them go.

Thank You Spirit.

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