
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The "Guide of Wands" and Showing a Little Love and Respect

Had dreams about equipment, maybe setting it up or reconfiguring it somehow.  The equipment was not related to the job per say however reconfiguring the equipment is similar to what is going on at the job in relation to software upgrades.

But I was still thinking about authenticity, not as much but I could feel it doing all sorts of things in the recesses of my mind.  Authenticity is where it's at for me these days so I've got to follow it to wherever it leads me.  And when I pause for a moment and authenticity enters my thoughts, "I am ready" comes to mind.  So without further ado, I shout out loud, clear, and proud that "I am ready!"

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Guide of Wands: Feeling possessed by a creative project or inspiration.  Being inspired to help others.  Doing what’s right."
Doing what's right is to help others.  We have no choice.  This is the time, the absolute right time to be reaching out and helping others.  We have to get off of our high horses, our soapboxes and our pedestals and start doing things that will have the greatest impact on the world and this is helping others.

One very good way that we can start helping others is to see the truth in and of this world we live in.  Second thing we can is to stop being so darned judgemental.  We all do it, we all do it to some degree.  Seen a homeless person lately, maybe someone begging for money, someone going through the trash, picking up cigarette but to see if they can get at least a toke out of it.  How about the person who takes a half full container of pop or juice out of the garbage so they can quench their thirst?  Or judging someone by the way they look, how they are dressed or the type of car they drive.

After we've rid ourselves of our judgmental ways we can start looking at how and who we can help...clothes, food, money, perhaps a place to stay, a ride, maybe even just a friendly smile and nod of your head will do.  A car is a car and people can drive whatever car they like.  People have their own sense of fashion and we may not agree with it but this does not entitle to pass judgement on this person simply by the way they are dressed.

Another great way we can help others is to them respect.  Respect them by acknowledging their existence and that they just as much as you have a right to be in this world.  Then love them for all that they are and all that they aren't for then we can truly love and respect ourselves and the world goes 'round.

Thank You Spirit.

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