
Thursday, October 6, 2016

The 'Youth of Cups' and Losing Yourself in a Daydream or Two

Thursday, October 6, 2016.  Sleep was once again good to me however I did awake earlier than the alarm and had mixed thoughts about model railroading, RVing, Tarot Readings and also about the job.  But I awoke with a sense of relief as last night it was decided that I'm looking for a new job.  My current job situation is not healthy and the employers will not change as they've been doing this same routine for years and they're almost proud of how many employees they have gone through.  I've heard that just in the last five or six years some 40 plus employees have come and gone through the doors and I'll be another.

I'm happy that I've made the decision and am actively seeking new work although my desire will be to simply transition to work as a Spiritual Guidance Counsellor and Tarot Reader full-time.  I'd love to just awake each morning and get work with Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Youth of Cups: Youthful emotions.  Daydreaming.  Shyness.”
Every once in awhile youthful emotions get the better of us and that's no big deal.  Youthful emotions aren't always a bad thing.  And neither is daydreaming...stealing a few moments to lose yourself in such thoughts can bring about a sense of relief or even re-charge the batteries so you can continue on with the day.  And a daydream may even be informative, enlightening or a glimpse into the future.  So go ahead and let yourself be a kid again!

Thank You Spirit.

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