
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The 'Sage of Cups' and Playing the Neutralizer

Tuesday, October 11, 2016.  We did our weekly grocery shopping at a couple of different stores yesterday before returning home where we had frozen pizza for lunch.  We relaxed a spell before heading out for a quick walk around the River Market and Pier Park.  Then it was back home where simply enjoyed the afternoon and Thanksgiving break.  I piddled about with my model railroad as well as printed a few photos of crows since they were so prevalent yesterday.  And I took out and tooted my new to me used clarinet I picked up at Long and McQuade a couple of years back.  I've been inspired by my partner taking up the piano as well as a friend who has rediscovered the joy of playing the French Horn he hadn't played for years but picked back up a couple of years ago.

A week or two ago I was listening to CBC 105.7 one afternoon and they played a clarinet piece that sounded wonderful hence my desire to play a clarinet once again.  So today at lunch and since I was so close to Long and McQuade I decided to buy a music stand, music book and clarinet stand.  I was also hoping to get a clarinet mute but all the staff who knew anything about the mute were with other customers so I didn't get what I was most after.  The clarinet is louder than I expected it to be so I need something to quiet it down.

On the drive to the "job" I felt like I was flying with the crows as they appeared to line the route I take.  Crows flying along with car as I drove along Columbia Street and into Sapperton where crows were perched here and there on the telephone and powers lines that followed the street or crossed it this way or that.  I'm flying with the crows for sure these days spiritually and energetically and maybe even astrally and what an experience it is.  Thank you, my dear crow friends.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Sage of Cups: Emotional maturity.  A good mediator or counsellor.”
This is a perfect card to describe how I feel these days and especially today.  Last night as I slept I kept seeing myself working as Wizard Oron, Spiritual Guidance Counsellor, a facilitator assisting others to rediscover, reconnect with, reveal, uncover their own spiritual identities, their spiritual humanity and their connection with Spirit.  This connection is always there however many if not most of us lose this spiritual connection as grow up and bury it under layers of our social upbringing.

This card is about balance and objectivity.  Of having an open and clear mind that allows you to play the role of the neutral arbiter in situations where an objective third party may need to step in and find a solution and neutralize the situation, thus keeping the peace.

Thank You Spirit.

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