
Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Four of Chalices and Focusing What Makes You Happy Brings About the Best Results

Sleep has been relatively good these days and last night in a dream or merely a somewhat semi-conscious thought I had a vision of where I would during my lunch break and where I would park today and lo and behold I hit the usual mall and had to park in the exact and unusual spot I saw in my dream.  Oh and I've also been reminded once again to trust my intuition.  This happened yesterday.

Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Four of Chalices: Our Witch has made herself a lovely picnic to enjoy in a quiet park.  She doesn't look too happy, though, as she appears disappointed in the three cups she has brought with her.  Their beauty and appeal are overshadowed by a very fancy, ornate cup that she holds in her imagination.  Dissatisfaction can erode happiness.  Don't let pointless criticism make you bitter.  At the same time, it's okay to be unsatisfied with what you have and dream of something more.  Make sure you focus on how to make the dream a reality and not simply dwell on your current dissatisfaction."
This hit me this morning as I reflected on this card over breakfast..."it's okay to be unsatisfied with what you have and dream of something more.  Make sure you focus on how to make the dream a reality and not simply dwell on your current dissatisfaction."

Yes, it's true, it's okay to be dissatisfied but we cannot dwell on that dissatisfaction for then that's where our energy goes and we simply become more and more dissatisfied and fall deeper and deeper into a hole that will swallow us if we're not careful.  Take me for example, my focus has dramatically shifted over the past couple of days and the amount of positive, loving and uplifting energy around me has significantly increased and does it ever feel good.  With all of the Tarot Decks I have along with the many stones and crystals I also have, I've received and built up a great deal of energy and strength to carry me forward especially since my ego has been properly controlled and dare I say subdued.  I'm focused on what brings me satisfaction and on how and what I can do to get to this point.

Thank You Spirit.

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