
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The 'Youth of Cups' and Life is All About Contradictions

Tuesday, December 1, 2015.  2015 is winding down.  We're in the final month of the year and the joyous holiday season is upon us.  Hope we do our best to make life better for all those around and even those we often don't think about.

I found it hard to relax last night and my thoughts were scattered for a good part of the evening.  The busy work day took me beyond the regular hours thus making for a late arrival home where I just fell into the sofa for a spell and just let go.

I did manage to clear my mind enough to interact with Tarot though and that lifted my spirit and allowed me to collect my thoughts enough so that I could feel more normal and relaxed shortly before crawling into bed.

I realize that I've written some contradictory statements and would like clarify why I've come to my most recent conclusion around earning a living through my spiritual endeavors.  A month or so back I was hoping to just offer my services "free" of charge.  Sounded good but a nagging feeling kept jabbing me in the side and a voice kept whispering to me that I had to work more closely with Spirit regarding this matter and so I did.  This past weekend Spirit led me to understand and acknowledge that my spiritual endeavors are an acceptable way of becoming self-reliant and is in fact encouraged by Spirit.  My spiritual works are a combination of services-Coaching, Tarot, and Chakra work that are likely to have a dramatic and positive impact and effect on many people's lives and I have a roll to fulfill in these possibilities.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “Youth of Cups: Youthful emotions.  Daydreaming.  Shyness.”

What a high energy, youthful kind of day.  Let's all hearken back to our teen years and capture some of that rebellious energy that although might have gotten us in trouble back then is now likely to help us stay in shape, stay youthful and stay fit.  Or if you are of a younger generation relish your youthful years and harness that rebellious energy and steer it toward having a good time while doing good deeds.  Or let us all be charmingly shy and golden.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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