So as we spent a mostly quiet day at home yesterday I worked on my model railroad and accomplished a lot as now I have a full support structure for my "Airline Route' over the centre of the layout. It's not yet complete as I still have to create cross-members and other support mechanisms to give it a more realistic look but it sure looks good now...Thank You Spirit.

For me this cards evokes such ideas as discipline, structure, focus, drive and determination. I feel a need to dive more into my Wizard Oron persona and spirit and let the "Wizard" lead the way.
A good way for me to do this is to dedicate my focus today on all matters of spirit and should I be drawn to working on my model railroad I must do so from a spiritual perspective. For as I write this I find my attention drawn to the creative forces that are highlighting how I can improve upon my "Airline Route". As I close my eyes and contemplate this day I also envision a Tarot Spread laid out before me. So this day is both about model railroading and Tarot...both very much being spiritual undertakings.
It's not so much a problem I face as it is a dilemma but of course, perspective is everything and what I'm facing is a desire to have a spiritual career versus the financial stability of a fulltime job that's been key to me servicing my heavy debt load, made heavier with the purchase of my camper van 'Serenity'.
I mentioned before that my goal is to earn anywhere from $75 to $100 per day from my spiritual endeavours whether its through 'Coaching', 'Tarot' or 'Chakra' work. So I put it out there to anyone reading this that if you know of anyone interested in the services I offer point them my way, it's much appreciated. This blog or my website '' are good places to start. I can also be reached by email, '' or via Skype 'wizardoron'. I give my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for being entrusted to assisting others so that they can inspire themselves to be more than they believe they can be and thus inspire me to be just as inspired.
My intention is to offer an initial two hour session followed by two or three 30 minute follow-up sessions. As although I have listed 'Coaching', 'Tarot' or 'Chakra' work separately they will in fact be part of a thorough session with each individual as I firmly believe that each is an integral component of each separate offering, if this makes any sense at all. For instance, a 'Coaching' session will involve working with Tarot and clearing and balancing an individual's chakras. Tarot will involve a degree of coaching and clearing and balancing an individual's chakras. And any 'Chakra' work I do will also involve a degree of coaching and Tarot work.
So, I guess, I do have a plan in place and now it's only a matter of receiving and interacting with my first, well second or third client, then, fourth, fifth, one hundredth, etc.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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