
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The 'Youth of Coins' and Exercising Our Bodies So We Can Also Have Healthy Minds and Spirits

Tuesday, December 15, 2015.  As the evening ticked by I continued to work on my "Tarot Encyclopedia" and with that the evening was soon getting to the point of going to bed so we had tea and cookies, dreamland tea and peanut butter cookies to be precise.  However with the dreamland tea still having an effect I wanted to stay in bed this morning...

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”

I've been trying to commit myself to going to the gym as many days in a week as I can over the past couple of weeks in an effort to remain fit and healthy for many years to come.  I'm eating healthier and a more balanced diet where I'm doing more to maintain a mostly sugar free diet, eliminating as sugar where I can - breakfast, protein shakes, and snacks to name a few.

A healthy body is needed in order to maintain and healthy mind and a healthy spirit.  We continually seek outdoor adventures and activities especially if it gets us closer to nature and this is only possible through our efforts to go to the gym and exercise on a regular basis as well as watching what we eat.  Do we enjoy junk food?  We certainly do however we keep it to minimum and choose as many healthy forms of junk food as we can.

Body, mind, and spirit are linked and we need to do our best to focus on each of these together and every now and then focus on an individual one as we are being reminded of today.  We cannot allow ourselves to get lazy in any of these areas especially with our bodies as our minds and spirits rely on our bodies to function.  A simply phrase to keep in mind is "garbage in, garbage out!".

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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