
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

'Nine of Arrows - Dedication' and Heeding The Call

Tuesday, July 28th, 2015.  Another great evening of understanding my present and my present self along with feeling quite at ease with really owning Wizard Oron as part of my identity.  I feel great!

To move forward I need to truly and sincerely turn my passion for all things spiritual into a full-time endeavour.  I love the world of Tarot, Wicca, Chakras, Auras, and Magick and all the symbolism and activities that go along with raising and releasing, wands, pentacles, athames, cauldrons, candles, incense, crystals, stones, and jewelry of all sorts...the moon, sun, and stars...amazing, simply amazing!

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the "Nine of Arrows, Dedication: To heed the calling to dedicate one's life to any skill, spiritual path, belief system or philosophy requires sincerity, self-discipline and hard work.  It is a sacred summoning that requires time and effort.  For those who hear the calling and become spiritual warriors and protectors of the land, responsibility and sacrifice are also required.  To deny that the human species has had a negative effect on the planet's climate and atmosphere seems totally redundant.   The growing awareness of our individual impact on the ecosystem may take on greater significance in the future.  We cannot predict what effect our avarice and rapacious exploitation of the land will eventually produce, but the dedicated defender of the soil must protect the living legacy we leave for our children.  To teach by example the value of respecting others' beliefs and philosophies in honouring the land is immensely important.  Sometimes a simple daily ritual reminds us of the oath we have taken to conserve and protect the environment.  Dedicate yourself to the task of preserving the land and be a part of making the difference."

Do you hear a voice calling out to you?  Do you feel a tap on your shoulder?  Is someone, something trying to get your attention?

"To heed the calling to dedicate one's life to any skill, spiritual path, belief system or philosophy requires sincerity, self-discipline and hard work.  It is a sacred summoning that requires time and effort."  And let me tell you, I've heard the calling for years, if not decades so it seems only natural for me to finally take notice of this call, take action and dedicate my life to doing my part and whatever else I can to bring about positive change to this world.  I need to devote my skills and talents to the greater good.  I'm reaching out to my higher self and my highest, our highest ideals.  I can be, I am a better person.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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