Friday, July 10, 2015. I was working on my website, blogs, as well as registering my business name and business operation up until bedtime. Yay!
I fell asleep quickly however, I awoke a couple of times and found it difficult to stay asleep for the rest of the night and last awoke and stayed awake pretty much from shortly before 5:00am. I was thinking about my spiritual works that I must do as well as the new to me 2005 Pleasure Way Van that I'm in the process of purchasing. Doubt has entered my mind about this purchase but upon talking with a representative from the dealership this afternoon any doubts I had disappeared. In fact, as I was eating my lunch I was working my way through why this purchase made sense and is the right thing to do.
I'm very happy with decision to get this van and it's all thanks to Spirit.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is "5 The Ancestor: You have made the leap and started a new cycle. Your instinctive spirit has felt it necessary to lead you to the gateway and a new path. You may have been reluctant or concerned at first, but whether you realize it or not a shift has occurred. You may feel wary of the unknown denizens that await you in the forest, but the ancient Ancestor within you will guide and reassure you as you relearn and greet new experiences on the path. Trust your inner voice. Listen to your instinctive and inquisitive nature. Your inner Ancestor is strong, patient and wise. Let them lead you into the forest with new eyes and a joyful heart."
I've finally made the leap. Openly and honestly I've finally heeded the call of the eternal drum that has been calling out to my subconscious for the past thirty years or so. The path is real and has been laid out before me and I've crossed the threshold of the point of no return. Moving forward is the only option I have and realistically it's not merely an option but a path I chose for myself many, many years ago. I have no regret and the little bit of reluctance and concern I felt has long since melted away providing ample room for hope, love, and plenty of opportunity. I'm doing the right thing for all by accepting, acknowledging and finally following my purpose and living a truly purposeful life.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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