
Monday, April 20, 2015

XVI Revelation and the 8 of Wand: Pain, Loss and Movement

Monday, April 20th, 2015.  The weekend disappeared so quickly that I hardly experienced it.  Saturday was a wonderful day as we were enjoying the sun riding our bikes however yesterday was a different story altogether.  By the time we completed our grocery run and a trip to Home Depot to pick up a part for our leaky tub faucet, the afternoon was already upon us.  And by the time I completed the repairs to the leaky faucet the afternoon was quickly approaching the evening.  But all is good regardless as it was an enjoyable weekend and work isn't so bad either.

The alarm awoke me this morning although I had a bit of a difficult time sleeping for one reason or another and found myself a bit too warm a times but I awoke feeling quite rested.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is “XVI Revelation: While it is usually best to tell the truth about yourself to those who are close to you, it can be a painful experience.  A necessary destruction of the status quo.  Having to tell someone an unwelcome truth.  A new idea which upsets others” with a hint or two coming from the “8 of Wands: Movement.  Everything is falling into place.  People or circumstances are aligning to facilitate the achievement of your goals.  Matters are rapidly reaching a conclusion.  A group combines their energies while maintaining individuality.”

If we allow ourselves to face the pain of facing circumstances or burdens that we have shrugged off and put on the sidelines for days, weeks, month, and maybe even years; we may suffer a sense of loss ruin or otherwise but we must do so with our heads held high.  Deal with the emotions by facing and accepting them then move on, move on with sense of freedom as your shoulders are lighter, your mind and the path ahead more clear than ever before.  We must embrace the pain and change of this time and welcome the learning and growth that comes with it.  Our spirits are stronger and we are more in touch with the divine and have a much better understanding of the world and the life we live.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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