
Monday, April 13, 2015

The Man of Coins and the 6 of Cups

Monday, April 13th, 2015.  I slept quite well thanks to drinking a cup of sleep assisting tea.  And then the alarm had to sound.  However, up and at 'em we were.

We did our weekly shopping and ran another errand later in the afternoon as we set out for our weekly afternoon coffee.  Since I awoke early yesterday, I found myself nodding off during the evening news but thankfully, dinner had to made so I was able to stay awake until just after 10:00pm as again I was nodding off during the late news cast.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the “Man of Coins: Responsible and hard-working. Reliable. Dependable" with some added hints for the day coming from the “6 of Cups: Happy Birthday.  Fond memories.  A gift given in friendship or love."

We all have the gift of the divine in our lives and for most of and barring unforeseen circumstances far beyond our control, it's a matter of what we do with these divine gifts that determines our place and situation in life and where we can take our lives when we put our minds to it.  Not only must we be hardworking, reliable and dependable for others, we must also be these thing to ourselves too!

When we are in our zone and in our centre we find ourselves in a place that lacks time and space simply is.  This for me is the purity of heart, mind, body, and soul or spirit.  I simply cease to exist and simply am.  This is where our journey must take us and this can only be accomplished through discipline, responsibility, and unconditional love.  We must always strive to simply "be".

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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