
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Knight of Bows - Fox

Sunday, April 12th, 2015.  We didn't do a whole heck of a lot yesterday.  After Tarot, the gym, and breakfast I worked on my model railroad layout for a couple of hours.  We then an errand before returning home to have and piddle around for an hour or two before preparing for our evening out.

We had dinner with friends in Vancouver.  Dinner and the conversation as always were great and before we knew it was nearing eleven.  A five hour visit.  Then was back home, relax a spell, and then crawling into bed.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the "Knight of Bows: Fox - Determination leads you to success but sometimes at personal cost.  Your life may change or enter a different path at any moment.  Native wit and cleverness guide your steps toward fulfilment, as does your gift of anticipating the future."

At times we may find ourselves heading down a path with the fierce determination needed to succeed and not see what we're losing in the process until it's lost.  However, taking on the role of the fox will provide us with the cleverness needed to peek into the future and adapt to the ever changing paths we often find ourselves on these days.

Determination, flexibility, and adaptability are what will help us all move forward with the strength, courage, a forward thinking minds and spirits needed to meet with success in our future.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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