
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The 6 of Wands and Standing Up and Believing in Ourselves

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014.  I slept very well last night.  I slept right up to the alarm.  Very cool.  Last night was simply a night of relaxing and enjoying life.  I read one of my favourite blogs.  I read one of my favourite magazines.  Fantastic!

Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Wands: The Parade.  Appreciation for those who stand up for themselves.  The courage of one’s convictions.  Admiration, acclaim, pride.”

I as we all must not do and this is to not to give up on ourselves and the pursuit and achievement of our dreams, desires, and goals.  Balanced approaches to making decisions and taking actions bring harmony and divine energy into our lives and is quickly followed by the success we desire.  We must stand up for ourselves and see ourselves as worthy of achieving our cherished dreams and goals if we expect to bring them to fruition.

For instance, I working at a job that pays me decent wage, provides me with enough money to put toward and quickly pay off my debt that allows me to then focus and turn more time and attention to my passions that I can more comfortably pursue without any debt hanging over my head.  And if I do my research and may an informed decision I should also end up the proud owner of a van conversion that will allow me further achievement of one my longest held passions, traveling and exploring this wonderful continent.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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