
Monday, September 15, 2014

The 5 of Wands and Letting Go of a Few Things In Order to Make Progress

Monday, September 15, 2014.  Last night was a bit of a restless sleep for the both of us.  Likely too hot to get into the nice deep REM sleep that is so conducive to awaking feeling well rested and refreshed enough to tackle a new day.  But then we had a great evening of conversation, honestly, love, tenderness and understanding.

Must have been the three or so hours we spent at the beach with a friend yesterday.  Soaking up the Sun was great however the water was just a tad too cold for my liking but I did get in it up to my waist.  Not many people braved the water though regardless of how hot the Sun and sand were yesterday.

Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace.”

It’s time to let go for awhile and simple let things “be” for a spell.  I need to step back and take stock of everything as well as what is happening in both my personal and work-a-day life as things have changed and the energy has shifted and changed direction since I was last paying attention.  On the way home this evening the thought came to me that I need to devote more focused energy on my job than on my desires, dreams and goals.  Not that I’m abandoning them rather that the job is going to have bigger pay-offs if I give it some real dedicated attention.  My deepest passions, goals, and dreams will then fall into place as I want them to.

I’ll be putting more energy to the job but without abandoning my own plans in the process as I am needed out there on the road and need to get out there quickly but not do it by being ignorant of the needs now standing in front of me.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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