
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Youth of Coins and Exercising Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit!

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014.  Yesterday was a decent day.  I met with a member of the Friday morning business networking group I belong to as he was going to assist me in understanding the concept of these groups a little better.  However, since having been terminated from my job for speaking up my membership at this point has no use.  Unless of course, I can promote my own business and toot my own horn, if you will.  Anyway during the course of our breakfast he suggested that I apply for a refund considering how new my membership is.  I put in a couple of calls so now it is “wait and see” time.  Not important but worth trying, I guess.

However, perhaps I can explore the promotion of my handcrafted greeting card business too!  I need to build myself a better website though and one where people can make online orders and purchases -- need to explore this a little bit more.  I’ll make a call to the website hosting company I use to get a few things set up.  It will take spending some money however I will then be set up to earn money in the end so this could be a good thing.  Ideas are coming into my mind as I write this.

As my brother is quite often fond of saying, this is the kick in the pants I need to get me going.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”

Another reminder along with the nice weather, that keeping our bodies healthy is important and a key component to a spiritually healthy life too!  So we need to provide not only our physical bodies with good nutrition and exercise but this also goes for our hearts, minds, and spirits.  Candles, incense, meditation, chants, and songs, and a good dose of time with nature can do a whole lot to and for our health and well-being.  As winter releases its grip, good weather makes more of an appearance, and spring being just around the corner with the Sap Moon on the rise we need to break out of winter clothes and doldrums and get outdoors to welcome the burst of new life that is about to happen.

Refresh, renew, exercise, and breathe in the new spring energy that is coming over the horizon.  Open arms wide, disentangle the mind from its sleepy winter blanket, and allow your Spirit to burst out with new growth and blossom as the days become longer and life once again begins anew.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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