
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The 8 of Cups and Making Proactive and Productive Changes

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014.  Today is another day.  I slept well and had a ho-hum kind of day.  The highlights of my day were meeting with a networking partner at his place of business to so we can discuss each other’s business and learn how best to refer people to each other and the other highlight was coming home to my partner.

I worked with Spirit and Tarot and feel spiritually complete yet needing to make changes in my life, changes that are likely needed for me to be more productive and purposeful in my day-to-day living.  As much as I wanted my current job to be a success for both me and my employer I don’t think it’s going to end that way.  I do believe that the writing’s on the wall and I’ll likely be parting ways with this company rather soon.  Spirit is my support and my highest ideal and I really need to dedicate some time with Spirit through meditation and contemplation.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself.”

The “8 of Cups” is not a complete surprise for me today.  When I saw it appear I knew where the card was going with this message and in fact this message was reaffirmed during my afternoon meeting with my networking partner in something he said.  To paraphrase he mentioned how he had to change careers to keep himself from becoming emotionally detached from a job that he liked but at the same time was very troubling to him.  Making this change led him to do what he aspired to do and that is in a sense to change the lives of people if not even save them through motivating people to adopt healthy lifestyles through eating and fitness.  His gym has great energy and he made me really feel like a friend.

Thank You Spirit.

I need to make a proactive and productive change in my life and I have to do it now.  I need to take a chance, that leap of faith that will lead me one or another and I’ll never know until I just do it.  Take a chance on myself and my talents and abilities.  I can do it!  Believe in myself, trust myself, and be myself!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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