
Friday, June 7, 2013

The 9 of Coins and a Productive Day

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A beautiful day!

I ended up having a great yesterday however for the first part of it, not long after I wrote, I was filled with a sense of dread so I wasted most of my morning doing a whole lot of nothing.  However, I recovered and went on to having a productive and thankful day.

I had a thankful day because I realized that as much as I want change in my life I am living a good and decent life today.  I have nice and comfortable home, a great relationship, and live in a stable environment.
I had a productive day because I was able to whip up a pan of Date Squares as well as a Banana Cream Pie for dessert and Pork Loin Chop and Celery Soup type casserole for dinner.  This dish also included onions, potatoes, sour cream, and shredded cheddar cheese-scrumptious!  Oh, I also finished a couple of loads of laundry.

Thank You Spirit.

Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Coins: Rewards. Enjoying the fruits of your labour.  Well-deserved enjoyment.”

This card is wonderful in the sense it is a reminder to enjoy the work I do however, I think hidden in this meaning is that I must also guard against resting on my laurels and doing nothing to achieve the goals and dreams I most desire.  To get my life to where I want it to be requires discipline, planning, hard work, and sacrifice however these will be rewarded with my achieving the results I most desire.  So off I go on a planned route that also requires adjustments and refinement so it is the best plan to move forward with.  I must also remain flexible enough to be able to adapt and change course as needed if the ride gets bumpy along the way.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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