
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

1 The Magican and Creating Life Not Simply Reacting To It

For a few moments this morning, I could not remember or think of today’s date.  I was so lost in the clouds with my thoughts of today’s visiting Tarot Card and Horoscopes that I completely lost track of the concept of time and date.  Maybe it’s because I’ve been up since about 4:30 this morning.  I appreciate this early start to the day though as I’ve been able to process many thoughts and ideas.

These thoughts and ideas tie into my desire and need to get my RV back into shape as well as my need to find a means of financially supporting myself without having to resort to working for someone else either an independent business or a corporate entity.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it.  Creativity.  Ability.  Making something happen.”

As I was thinking about the Magician and contemplating the image on the card as well as the message being delivered I decide to read my Horoscopes.  I say Horoscopes because I was born on the cusp of Aries and Pisces so I read both.  And today both tie into very nicely to the Magician-“If you are doing what everyone else is doing…there is little risk.  But when you are daring and you choose the road less traveled there is uncertainty.  But its time you blazed a trail of your own Aries.” and “If you’ve been thinking of doing something different-such as taking on a creative project or starting a new business-these ideas could spell success if you pay attention to them.”  Daily Horoscope, Comitic Software.

This is where my mind was last night, through the night, in my dreams and in my waking thoughts and continues to this moment.  Thoughts and ideas and a continuation of ideas from the past.  Maybe the time is right to act on these and act on these in a very bold and aggressive manner.  The time to act is now!  I do know what I want and that is the freedom to be my own boss as risky as this may be.  I’ll keep myself grounded as well so I avoid “pie in the sky” thinking and keep things based in reality.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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