
Friday, April 7, 2017

The "9 of Coins" and Enjoying Life Through Spiritual Enrichment

Another decent night of sleep but awoke somewhere between four and five in the morning and could not fall asleep again.  Going to have to get more into meditation and other relaxation techniques as I tend to dwell on issues that get me to worrying, nervous and anxious about things of which I have no control over and it's getting to be a bit tiring.  I have books to read so I should do more reading as this was a great way to relax for me years ago, a total way to forget about and lose track of time.  Loved those experiences.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “9 of Coins: Rewards.  Enjoying the fruits of your labour.  Well-deserved enjoyment.”
"Well-deserved enjoyment" stands out to me and I get the feeling that such enjoyment is going to be much more plentiful in my life.  I'm feeling a great sense of freedom and an inkling of working less and enjoying life more, no money worries, little to no stress, and being spiritually rich beyond measure.

My intuition is telling me that we especially I need to trust Spirit more, to get back into knowing what Spirit and Nature are all about to let them lead me to spiritually enriched enjoyment of life and all things.  The trees are, the forest is waiting for me to visit again and to enjoy their love and friendship.  This reminds me that as I driving back to the job, I drove past two pairs of crows foraging in the grass for food and was struck by the thought and image of sitting with them and simply "be".  To have a conversation of sorts with them and become more comfortable with my stronger and more dynamic spiritual role in life.

So the message of the day as I see it is to simply be, enjoy life and to left life enjoy you!

Thank You Spirit.

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