
Sunday, April 2, 2017

"VII The Chariot" and a Sense of Fair Play Coming From All Sides

Did our weekly grocery run yesterday so we could make last night's dinner, Arroz con Pollo.  Delicious!

Relaxed the rest of the day and took it easy.

Spirit Is and today's (Whimsical) Tarot Energy is "VII The Chariot: Victories are on the horizon.  Reject negative people but don’t judge them harshly.  Appeal to others’ sense of fair play.  This is a very good time for travel, taking a break, and getting away.  When reversed: People are more defensive now.  Don’t give in to intimidation or pressure.  No one wants to waste time.  Expect last-minute cancellations of plans."
I do reject negative people and do my best not to judge them for I do not like to be judge myself.  I'm also appealing to others' sense of fair play for the benefit of all, not only myself.  I sense relief is just around the corner, a victory I suppose but something that is related to others' sense of fair play.  And taking a break and getting away is something I want to do but will wait to do once I see that others' are treating me as fairly as I'm treating them.  It all goes hand in hand.

I had really great dreams last night that I believe are related to the "VII The Chariot".  One dream was about entering into a good and better financial relationship with my bank and the other was about successfully teaching about "The Fool's Journey" and providing Intuitive Tarot services through a variety of social media platforms.  These dreams came through after much thought about banking and having a passion for Tarot and Spirit filled my mind and left a smile on my face.

Thank You Spirit.

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