
Sunday, April 16, 2017

"VII The Chariot", Embracing the Energy of Movement and Success Freely Given from Spirit

Another day of completing the spring cleaning of the storage locker, taking everything to the appropriate places for donation or disposal.

We also took care of our weekly grocery run, lunch, and afternoon walk before staying in and relaxing for the rest of the day.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is, as chosen by Spirit as it caught some air and floated down to the floor from the deck is "VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one's game.  Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely)."
Hhhmmm...another card about successful possibilities and action.  The energy for movement and action is strong and all since I re-invigorated my spiritual activities, actions and behaviour that is also enmeshed in my plans to go out and enjoy nature more whether with my partner or by myself.  I need to go camping an immerse myself in nature as much as I can as this is something that is welling up from inside of me, from the very depths and core of my being so I must follow through and take what actions are necessary to immerse myself in the great outdoors as much as possible.

I am Wizard Oron, a Tarot Intuitive providing Intuitive Tarot services to those who seek them.  Although I specialise in Gay Tarot this is not my one and only deck.  I have many decks which I use and interact with regularly such as Pagan, Whimsical (from the Tarot Kit), Wildwood, Thoth, and Tarot (Tarot in a Box).  And I'm getting to know and learn about and from the Golden Dawn and Shaman decks.

And in one way or another I'm writing a book or two and that's all I'll say on this matter.

So today, "VII The Chariot" is once again bringing out and along with it the energy of possibilities and success but it's up to us to harness and take advantage of this energy that is so freely given to us.  So take advantage of this day and move on your dreams and goals, bring them beyond mere thoughts and get them out here in the physical world and make them a reality.

Thank You Spirit.

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